Which PS4 Game Should You Play Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Since its release in 2013, the PS4 has seen the release of a huge number of games in its library, though not everyone is going to like the same title as the next person as every gamer has a slightly different taste in the types of games they enjoy. This often comes down to the personality of the gamer, something that is often expressed through the zodiac sign.

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As each zodiac represents a different set of personality traits, the type of game that those signs will enjoy will be different depending on which sign they are born under. While gamers may find some crossover between titles that they like, this won’t be the case for everyone.

12 Aries: Marvel’s Spider-Man

Those born under Aries are generally dynamic, overly eager, and competitive by nature. While this might point towards an online experience that pits gamers against one another, it also fits the description of the main character and gameplay in Marvel’s Spider-Man. Peter Parker is a fairly unique superhero, often portrayed suffering from very relatable problems like balancing his work-home life and being constantly in debt due to prioritizing his hero work over his career. The gameplay in Spider-man not only captures this side of Peter Parker but also what it would feel like to swing around New York in a red spandex suit for hours on end.

11 Taurus: Shadow of the Colossus

The traits normally associated with Taurus are strength, dependency, and most importantly, creativity. This strength and dependency are reflected in the two main characters in Shadow of the Colossus, Wander and his trusted steed, Agro, as Wander is willing to slay giants to bring someone he loves back to life, while Agro will follow him to the ends of the earth to help in this endeavor. Of all of Team Ico’s titles, Shadow of the Colossus may also be one of their most creative in terms of world design and gameplay, something that any self-respecting Tauruses will appreciate.

10 Gemini: Persona 5

Geminis are often highly expressive and not afraid to show their true colors while also being curious by nature and versatile in a pinch. This makes the masterpiece RPG Persona 5 the perfect match for any Gemini gamer looking for a new title to dive into, with this curiosity and versatility being shown not just in the main cast, but also in the gameplay itself. Although it can be a somewhat difficult game to get into, once the ball gets rolling, Gemini players will find it nearly impossible to put down again.

9 Cancer: inFamous Second Son

The protective nature of a gamer born under Cancer makes any superhero game a perfect fit for their game library. While there have been several superhero games to release on the PS4, none are quite as engaging as inFamous Second Son. Following Cole’s death at the end of inFamous 2, the world needs a new hero in Delsin Rowe, who is arguably better at being a hero than Cole ever was.

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A Cancer’s compassionate side will definitely be stoked in this title, as Delsin travels to Seattle for the sole purpose of saving his family from dying a gruesome death at the hands of another Conduit who just wants to watch the world burn for the sake of her agenda.

8 Leo: God of War

Those born under Leo are not only brave but have a dramatic and fiery personality that is hard to quell once anything sets them off. If any video game character embodied these characteristics in the last few years, it’s Kratos from God of War. While his second turn as a father to Atreus has forced the old warrior to mellow somewhat, it is clear that the fire still burns inside him, just waiting for the moment when he loses all control and is set free.

7 Virgo: Ghost of Tsushima

Virgos have an ingrained sense of practicality and loyalty that, for the most part, is represented in Ghost of Tsushima’s main character, Jin Sakai. While he is forced to break his loyalty to his uncle, he remains faithful to the cause to help the people of Tsushima, choosing to abandon the honorable path of a samurai in favor of a more pragmatic approach, despite it also causing him to be seen as a liability by the Shogunate and cast out as a criminal by everyone who used to trust him. These aspects of Ghost of Tsushima make it a perfect game for any Virgo to dive into, though only if they aren’t bothered by lots of blood.

6 Libra: Knowledge is Power

In order to play a competitive quiz game like Knowledge is Power, players will need to be gracious in both victory and defeat, something that every Libra aspires to be. Not only does this game require the grace and diplomacy that most Libras possess, but it also scratches the social itch that is ingrained in their personalities while also having massive replay value due to the sheer number of questions and themes available.

5 Scorpio: Uncharted 4

Nathan Drake is, if nothing else, passionate about his work, stubborn to a fault, and resourceful in a pinch, all traits that define those born under Scorpio. With this in mind, Uncharted 4 is the perfect game for a Scorpio to get their hands on, not only giving the player a great game series to dive into but also a character they can relate to on a personal level.

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While Uncharted 4 is the only main game in the series made exclusively for the PS4, every other entry in the series can also be found on the console, meaning newcomers to the series are able to start from the beginning of Nathan Drake’s story if they so choose.

4 Sagittarius: Ratchet and Clank

Sagittariuses are, in general, an optimistic and extroverted group who have a generosity about them that few others possess. While it may be wildly different from the original game, the Ratchet and Clank remake embodies these traits with the heroes of the story, particularly when it comes to Ratchet. As the only Lombax in the universe, Ratchet is forced to see the bright side of life and is a fairly out-there character when he needs to be, usually when it comes to his desire to be a hero, and these traits are further accentuated by his companion, Clank.

3 Capricorn: Bloodborne

There aren’t many gamers out there who have the discipline or tenacity to tackle a SoulsBorne title, as they are easily some of the more difficult, though also more rewarding, titles on the PS4. That being said, Bloodborne is the perfect game for any Capricorn to sink their teeth into, with a densely packed world full of creepy and interesting pieces of lore to discover around just about every corner of Yharnam.

2 Aquarius: The Last of Us

Although the well has been bled dry when it comes to the themes presented in The Last of Us, particularly when it comes to the recent sequel, it’s hard to ignore the impact that the original game had. With a deep narrative and uncompromising focus on the worst possible aspects of humanity alongside the glimmer of hope that things may one day get better, The Last of Us is a title that many gamers will enjoy, though those born under Aquarius will find more enjoyment from the games than others. The themes and characters in The Last of Us embody what an Aquarius represents the most: depth, originality, and an uncompromising nature that refuses to waver, even if it would be better to do so.

1 Pisces: Horizon Zero Dawn

Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn may be a fresh-faced hunter with a chip on her shoulder the size of a Thunderjaw, but she is also unapologetically empathetic towards her people and wise beyond her years. These traits, as well as the unique artistry of the tribes in Horizon’s world, will draw any Pisces to the post-apocalyptic world of Horizon Zero Dawn, where they can discover how the world quickly turned from a technological utopia into a tribal culture set back several hundred years.

Next: The 10 Best Action Games You Can Play On The PS4 (According To Metacritic)


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