Little Nightmares 2 Review | Game Rant

In 2017, Tarsier Studios released the original Little Nightmares game, a bizarre puzzle platformer with a creepy art style that helped it stand out from the pack. And while it received mostly positive reviews, the first Little Nightmares wasn’t without its critics, and it was clear that there were many areas where the game could have been improved. With Little Nightmares 2, Tarsier Studios has successfully addressed many of the complaints that people had about the first game, while delivering a more well-rounded horror game overall.

The minute-to-minute gameplay in Little Nightmares 2 is much more involved than its predecessor. There’s still plenty of puzzle-solving and platforming, but the developers have added in deadly traps that players have to watch out for, like bear traps and heavy buckets that can swing down and kill new protagonist Mono instantly. Smaller enemy types are also introduced, mainly in the form of violent, sentient dolls that players come across in the School chapter.

When players encounter these dolls in Little Nightmares 2‘s School level, they sometimes have to run away or sneak by them, but occasionally they are given the tools to fight back. In stark contrast to the first Little Nightmares, where original hero Six was basically defenseless for the entire game, Little Nightmares 2 sometimes lets Mono smash enemies with hammers and axes. Players can’t swing their weapons wildly and hope for a positive outcome, though; each swing has to be timed perfectly, otherwise the dolls and other threats will still manage to kill players pretty easily.

The more action-oriented approach means Little Nightmares 2 has less downtime when compared to the original game, and it’s more consistently entertaining as a result. That being said, the bulk of the game is still puzzle-solving and platforming. The puzzles in Little Nightmares 2 are creative and fun to figure out, and the controls are tighter, meaning the platforming is less cumbersome and far more precise this time around.

Those coming to Little Nightmares 2 from the original game will notice some other improvements as well. A big one is the more open level design in some areas, allowing Mono and Six to more freely explore the world while figuring out puzzles. It’s still a very linear game, but there are some moments where players are given a bit more freedom when it comes to making their way around the Pale City.

As Little Nightmares 2 players explore the Forest, the School, and the other areas that make up the Pale City, they will likely die many times over. It’s easy for players to get surprised by a trap and die a grisly death, plus there are massive, humanoid creatures that chase after Mono and Six and, if they catch them, typically smash or eat them. Little Nightmares 2 is designed in a way that players will die frequently while playing the game, so thankfully it has a generous checkpoint system.

The checkpoint system in the first Little Nightmares game was heavily criticized by fans and critics alike at the time of that game’s release, as dying often meant repeating slow or tedious gameplay sections or re-solving puzzles that players had already completed. Conversely, Little Nightmares 2 auto-saves frequently and death means repeating only a short sliver of gameplay as opposed to a large section. This improvement is very much appreciated and goes a long way in ensuring Little Nightmares 2 is a less frustrating game than its predecessor.

The slow stealth sections are still in Little Nightmares 2, but the more generous checkpoint system makes them less annoying and allows players to be more appreciative of the work that went into them. The chapters in Little Nightmares 2 feature signature creatures that chase after Mono and Six, all with their own unique abilities that help them stand apart from their fellow monstrosities. For example, Little Nightmares 2‘s Forest level has a Hunter that tries to shoot Mono and Six, whereas the School has a teacher with the disturbing ability to stretch her neck and slither her head around like a snake, straight out of Tim Burton’s Beetlejuice film.

It’s fun seeing what terrifying creatures the developers dreamed up for Little Nightmares 2, and the beings featured in this game certainly match, if not exceed, the ones players encountered in the original adventure. Players are forced to sneak by them most of the time, which builds a great deal of tension as one wrong move means instant death. And then it’s all blown off in an intense chase sequence that will leave Little Nightmares 2 players on the edge of their seats.

The downside to this, though, is that each chapter in Little Nightmares 2 is formulaic, and that robs the game of some of its tension. As is the case with many other horror games, the scares become less effective the longer it goes on, as Little Nightmares 2 shows most of its tricks in the first couple of chapters.

Little Nightmares 2 does do a good job of introducing new gameplay mechanics in each chapter, which help keep things fresh from a gameplay perspective, at least. Things start off fairly straightforward, with the first chapter focused on introducing the basic platforming and puzzle-solving mechanics, but later players get tools like the aforementioned hammers and a flashlight.

The flashlight in Little Nightmares 2 is used to great effect in some of the game’s more bone-chilling moments, as it’s the only way Mono is able to defend himself against the living mannequins he comes across in the game. Mannequins are a tired trope in horror games, having been done to death since Condemned: Criminal Origins in 2005, but Little Nightmares 2 has figured out a way to make them scary again, as they lurch towards Mono in a herky-jerky, unnatural way, and players have to frantically swing the flashlight around to keep them at bay.

Moments like these are so effective in Little Nightmares 2 because of how well the game builds its atmosphere and keeps players immersed in the experience. Brilliant sound design, a haunting musical score, and gorgeous graphics come together to help in this effort as well. Little Nightmares 2 does a great job of creating its eerie atmosphere and maintaining it, with the only thing that somewhat breaks the immersion being the AI companion Six.

Six was the protagonist of the original Little Nightmares game, but here she is an AI-controlled ally who helps Mono solve some puzzles and survive the horrors of the Pale City. Having players stuck to an AI companion is always a gamble in games, as they can really make or break the experience. Luckily, Six is one of the better ones, mostly staying out of the way and moving quickly to get in position for whatever she needs to do next.

The problem is sometimes Six runs through a room right in front of a monster, and there are no consequences for her doing so. Now, it would be far worse if Six was being spotted by Little Nightmares 2‘s creatures and causing players to get game overs, but it still hurts the immersion nevertheless. The only glitch we encountered in the game also involved Six, as she teleported to a room she wasn’t supposed to be in yet, and that made it impossible to complete a puzzle without restarting from the last checkpoint.

Besides Six sometimes ruining the illusion and the game’s formula becoming apparent in the last few chapters, there’s not much to complain about when it comes to Little Nightmares 2. It mostly improves on the foundation laid by the Little Nightmares, though it’s still an incredibly short game (most people should be able to beat Little Nightmares 2 in a few hours) and due to the nature of its puzzles and encounters, there’s simply not much replay value to be had.

Horror fans that enjoyed the first Little Nightmares game and weren’t turned off by the short playtime will likely find a lot to like about Little Nightmares 2. It is a very similar game, but with some major quality of life improvements and new gameplay features that help to make it a more engaging experience. It’s an easy recommendation for horror fans as well as those who are seeking out a unique puzzle-platforming game to play.

Little Nightmares 2 launches February 11 for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X versions also in development. Game Rant was provided with a PS4 code for this review.


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