At first, the Hitman series can seem very intimidating to new players with its huge levels that have a considerable amount of depth and content. Truly learning the ins and outs of a Hitman level can take a lot of time and effort. This includes learning a target’s patterns and routines, the depth that comes with the map’s mission stories, and how much gathering intel plays into the game’s world-building.
Hitman 3 continues this trend and all of the skills and mechanics from the first two games in the series translate to this newest entry too. As a result, seasoned players of the first two games will have something of an advantage in this new title. So going into Hitman 3 with a few already well-established tips and tricks that the pros use to speed-run and take out targets as efficiently as possible is a great way to get started. Naturally, these tips apply to the Legacy content from the previous two games too.
10 Use Cover To Slip Past Guards/Civilians

The guards and civilians with the white dots above their heads in the Hitman games are usually very aware of others they don’t recognize or are suspicious of. The best way to avoid them is to try one’s best to avoid their line of sight.
However, this can be tricky especially if there is more than one guard or vigilant civilian around. Surprisingly, there’s a way for players to slip past guards even they are looking right at Agent 47 when he is taking cover. Swapping cover, even when in a guard’s line of sight is totally possible and he will remain unnoticed which is especially useful for speedrunners.
9 Hold Down The Subdue Button In Cover

Using cover as often as possible when trying to remain undetected is an absolute must. As mentioned above, it will even allow 47 to avoid a guard’s line of sight even when directly in front of them.
However, the guards that make their way towards 47 will often need to be subdued silently as they will notice him if they walk past. A quick and easy way to make sure a threat is subdued is to hold down the square button (or the X on the Xbox) as they approaching this will cut down on the time it takes to take down an opponent.
8 Use Leg Shots For Quick Takedowns

More often than not, monitoring an NPC’s movement and patterns are key to getting past them or into a guarded room. However, for players that want to be as fast a possible using the silencer to get a leg shot is a far more effective method.
Making sure that the NPC isn’t facing Agent 47, the player can quickly rush an opponent shoot them in the leg, and either knockout or kill the downed target or NPC. If one is quick enough, this won’t affect the player’s rating at the end of the mission.
7 Pay Attention To An NPC’s Line Of Sight

Mastering Agent 47’s movement and getting a grasp of his spatial awareness will massively pay off in the Hitman trilogy. This is especially so for players that need to avoid an NPC with a dot above their head’s line of sight.
Staying behind an enemy and avoiding their line of sight mean that 47 will be able to slip by an NPC and remaining unnoticed. However, players will need to make sure that Agent 47 doesn’t accidentally bump into the NPC by getting too close.
6 Create Distance Between Bodyguards And Targets

Some major targets in the Hitman series will often have a highly trained and efficient bodyguard following them around and watching their every move. Naturally, this can prove difficult for players that want to defeat a target without being detected or getting penalized for killing an NPC that’s not on the target list.
However, players can create distance between their target and the bodyguard in some rather amusing ways. All one needs to do is simply get in between the bodyguard and the target and block their path this way the bodyguard and the target will lose each other creating opportunities for 47 to get rid of his target without being spotted.
5 Create A Panic At The Right Times

Getting through crowded areas like the ones in the Paris mission or the nightclub in Berlin can create problems for Agent 47 because there’s always going to be an NPC that will immediately become suspicious.
As a result, getting through these areas can be time-consuming and tricky for speed-runners. However, a carefully placed explosive or setting off a fire alarm will cause mass panic which will allow 47 to cut through an area without getting noticed. On some occasions, this will also lock down a target meaning that 47 has an opportunity to find his target without them wandering off.
4 Use Coins To Direct NPCs

The coins in the Hitman series are some of the most useful tools in Agent 47’s arsenal. Thankfully, they can be found in their abundance and scattered all over the map so 47 very rarely needs to equip them as a loadout.
Agent 47 can use the coins to direct and lure NPCs and targets to where ever he wants. Once 47 has thrown a coin to the ground the NPC will go and investigate it. However, if the player is quick enough and they collect the coin first they can throw it again in another direction leading the NPC even further away from their post or their scripted routines.
3 Let NPCs Fix Broken Objects

Sabotaging generators, electrical fuses, and other items that can found in the environment is a great way to lure a guard away from their post or to Agent 47’s position. Of course, if the goal was to lure the guard away from their post to slip by unnoticed then that’s easily achieved.
However, if the player wants to steal the NPC’s outfit and use it as a disguise then waiting for them to fix the damaged item before subduing them is the wisest move. This is because they will notify other guards on the radio that there’s nothing to report after fixing it. If 47 subdues them before the fix then the sudden radio silence will make other guards in the area suspicious.
2 Crouch For Faster Throws

Throwing non-lethal items like hammers, wrenches, and bricks can be a great way to effectively take down an enemy quickly and effectively causing an instant knockout. For speed-runners this an obvious and effective way to get through an area as quickly as possible.
However, the regular animation for throwing these objects can slow 47 down by a few seconds when compared to firing a gun for example. To throw an item more effectively, keep 47 in the crouched position, then throw it this is a much faster technique that overrides the original animation and will automatically put 47 in the standing position once thrown.
1 Lure Guards To You And Out Of Sight

Some areas in Hitman’s maps are packed with guards and other armed NPCs that can cause a significant amount of problems when trying to explore or speed-run an area. However, with enough distance and speed, 47 can lure these guards to his position without being spotted.
If 47 shoots a guard in the chest and immediately takes cover this will cause the guards to investigate rather than jump straight into combat mode. This will then lure them to 47’s position without them ever suspecting him of the shooting.

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