The thirteenth season in Destiny 2, Season of the Chosen, places Guardians in a war against an army of Cabal. The season’s newest device, the Hammer of Proving, requires charges much like the previous season’s Cryptolith. Instead of charges, however, players are required to farm for a new currency called Cabal Gold.
The Hammer of Proving and Cabal Gold are only two of the newest additions to Destiny 2 as a part of Season of the Chosen. Along with a new seasonal activity, Battlegrounds, players also have access to a new area in the Tower called the Hub for Emergency Logistics and Maneuvers or H.E.L.M. It’s here that players will find the War Table seasonal vendor, and the Hammer of Proving, showing players the various upgrades available to unlock.
Players can earn Cabal Gold by completing various in-game activities. Crucible, Gambit, and Heroic Public events give 8 Cabal Gold, while The Blind Well, Nightmare Hunts, and Playlist Strikes give 14 Cabal Gold. Although this list would include Raids and Dungeons as well, at the time of this writing, Bungie’s official support Twitter confirmed that the two activities are bugged and currently don’t reward any Cabal Gold. Players can only hold up to 42 pieces at a time, although upgrades to the Hammer of Proving increases the limit far beyond that.

Despite the number of activities that reward Cabal Gold, the rate at which players receive it is entirely random. This means that players’ efforts may or may not be rewarded, as there’s a chance of not receiving anything. Because of this, due to the ease of completion, a good way to grind Cabal Gold is to stick to Heroic Public events on big destinations such as the EDZ or Nessus, which often have events near fast travel points.
Upon maxing out on Cabal Gold, players should feel free to jump into Battlegrounds to farm weapons and gear. The Hammer of Proving provides three pursuit tiers for players to upgrade and unlock Proving Runes. Players may find that this isn’t entirely dissimilar to the Runes required for the Chalice of Opulence, although it’s yet to be seen how useful the newer system will be in comparison.
Season of the Chosen also reintroduces the Umbral Recaster and Umbral Decoder, refurbished for players to focus their loot gains and ensure they have the best gear possible to fully challenge Caiatl, the Cabal empress and daughter of Calus, in all her glory.
Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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