World of Warcraft players all have different favorite characters from the game. Some prefer faction leaders, such as Sylvanas or Anduin. Others love encountering certain bosses, such as Ragnaros or Onyxia. One character that tends to rank near the top on most players’ list is the Lich King, Arthas. One World of Warcraft player even took it upon themselves to recreate the Lich King in their home as a full cosplay outfit.
Blizzard is celebrating 30 years right now, complete with special item bundles for different games. World of Warcraft just celebrated its 16 year anniversary last Fall, so dedicated players have had plenty of time to become very attached to many of the characters in the world of Azeroth. One user on Reddit by the name of “sarahdeanmakesthings” posted a photo of cosplay that she made for her husband. This suit of the Lich King is near perfect, leading many players to comment nostalgic memories of fighting the raid boss years ago.
The Lich King, known in life as Arthas Menethil, was the former leader of the Scourge of undead that took residence in Northrend. The Lich King was introduced as the main antagonist of the World of Warcraft expansion Wrath of the Lich King. Arthas used his powers over undeath and frost to sweep across the world of Azeroth and slowly dominate. As any expansion goes, this was ultimately stopped by the players in a final climactic raid fight at the top of his citadel.
This legendary death knight has long since reigned near the top of favorite characters to come out of World of Warcraft. His existence brought about an entirely new playable class: Death Knight. Many players refer back to this expansion and the Icecrown Citadel raid that ended in the showdown with the Lich King as one of the most epic parts of World of Warcraft’s history. It is no surprise that many players have cosplayed, drawn pictures of, and celebrated this character in any way that they can.
Other fans of World of Warcraft have shared cosplays recently, including one for a new character. The recent Shadowlands expansion introduced the Kyrian race of angelic blue guardians. One of these Kyrians is Kyrestia, the ruler of the Bastion zone. PlexiCosplay posted a picture of this Kyrestia outfit, complete with 15-foot wings.
The World of Warcraft community never seems to run out of ways to express their love of Azeroth. The 16-year-old game has received plenty of negative reviews in its lifespan, but that tends to be the case for any long-running fandom. There are plenty of fans who continue to support the game and are excited for whatever World of Warcraft has planned for 2021.
World of Warcraft is available on PC.

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