Halo MCC’s ‘New Place And Way to Play’ Probably Isn’t What Fans Think It Is

Halo: The Master Chief Collection is a reimagining of the iconic series’ saga, which combines all the game’s entries up to Halo 5 into a single handy package. This collection was released exclusively on the Xbox One in 2015 and, since then, has been ported over to PC.

However, 343 Industries have issued an update that teases that Halo: MCC may be coming out on other platforms sometime in the future, which has obviously sparked the interest of many fans. While nothing can be stated certainly, it’s important to keep expectations in check for now.

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To be very clear, the possibility of Halo: MCC coming out on Nintendo or Sony consoles is INCREDIBLY slim as of now. It’s not to say that it’s completely impossible, but slim enough that it’s unreasonable to expect so. Upon hearing this news, the PS5 or Switch was the go-to speculation for many people, but that doesn’t quite add up. Halo is a long-standing behemoth that has served to sell Xbox consoles from its very beginnings and allowing the franchise to be available on other platforms doesn’t seem financially reasonable, but there’s a catch.

Sony has put a couple of its exclusive franchises on the PC, such as the recent release of Horizon: Zero Dawn. While the game isn’t necessarily available on an Xbox or a Switch, the PC version has introduced a lot of newer players to the franchise, which ultimately builds upon the hype for the soon to be released Horizon: Forbidden West, a PlayStation exclsuive. Sony and Guerilla Games have both enjoyed another round of success with this release, and Sony has since announced its plans for releasing more of its franchises on PC.

This could very well work for Microsoft as well, with the impending release of Halo Infinite. Since the Master Chief Collection only contains the earlier games, a release on the other platforms could serve to bring fans up to speed on Master Chief’s Adventures and possibly invest in an Xbox console, in anticipation of Halo Infinite. Microsoft is leading the charge in blurring boundaries with its Cloud and Play Anywhere schemes, so this decision to expand platforms makes sense, but it begs the question of where it is going.

As much as fans would like to see Master Chief debut on other consoles, the hints and rumors could very well be pointing to a different plan after all. Many fans believe that the game may not come out on other consoles, but be available via other storefronts such as the Epic Games Store, which is rapidly growing in popularity for a multitude of reasons. Stadia is another option, albeit slim, while xCloud could see it appear in new ways. Really, it could also be something entirely out of the blue too.

An out there possibility implies that the game may even come out on a Tesla vehicle. Recently, Elon Musk has stated that the newest Plaid Model S will play games such as Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3. So, it isn’t entirely unreasonable to expect such a port. After Elon Musk revealed that he is a big fan of the Halo franchise, Xbox has revealed its plans to collaborate with the billionaire, sharing possibilities of a Tesla Cybertruck based on Halo‘s Warthog.

While all of this is just pure speculations from fans, the new storefornts look to have the most chance of turning out true.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection is available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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