Java Weekly, Issue 372

1. Spring and Java

>> JEP-380: Unix domain socket channels []

Performant, secure, and convenient inter-process communications with Unix domain socket support in Java 16!

>> Metrics and Tracing: Better Together []

Tracing meets metrics – linking Spring Boot metrics and open tracing data for better observability.

>> GraalVM Native Image Quick Reference []

A highlight of the most commonly used and useful options for creating native images with GraalVM.

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical

>> Hash Join Algorithm []

Joining tables using hashtables: a linear alternative to nested loops for joining two tables.

Also worth reading:

3. Musings

>> Meetings, ugh! Let’s change our language []

Make meetings great again – debugging ineffective meetings by answering a few simple questions.

Also worth reading:

4. Comics

And my favorite Dilberts of the week:

>> The Boss Has An Idea []

>> Disagree With Experts []

>> Fraud Presenter []

5. Pick of the Week

The pick this week is the interesting Cassandra cloud from DataStax:

>> Cassandra on Astra

If you’re running or planning to run Cassandra in production, definitely register and use the forever-free 5Gb tier there to try it out.

The post Java Weekly, Issue 372 first appeared on Baeldung.


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