Ferrite is a common resource with a lot of uses in Warframe. It is used in the construction of Warframes, weapons, and any crafting that involves gems. As a result, it’s a resource that players will find themselves consuming in vast quantities.
The demand for this material is so high that players will find themselves constantly needing more when undergoing multiple crafting projects. For players needing a large amount of Ferrite in a short amount of time, there are a number of farming locations to grind out a stash.

Before embarking on a farming session it’s important to know the various ways to maximize earnings. Boosters are always helpful on this front, but for players low on Platinum there are other ways that depend on the mission type. All farming locations boil down to two kinds; blitz farms or survival farms. Blitz farms are meant to be done as quickly as possible and survival farms are long-term defend the position and survive sessions in a location.
Here are the best Warframes for Blitz missions:
- Hydroid with Pilfering Swarm ability
- Khora with Pilfering Strangledome
- Wukong with the Monkey Luck passive
For survival:
- Nekros with Desecrate
Pets can also be helpful for looting containers with Scavenge or looting corpses with Retrieve. The following pets can have those abilities:
- Kubrows
- Kavats

Teshub has both Exterminate and Defense missions that make for great Ferrite farming locations in this Sci-Fi game. Players have the option to either blitz or grind out ferrite depending on their chosen Warframe and preferred playstyle. Either mission can net thousands of Ferrite per run.
The downside to this location is that it can take a while to complete either mission. Defense can take north of ten minutes and even the exterminate mission can take several minutes to complete. It’s not very efficient compared to others, but it has the benefit of earning other valuable resources in addition to Ferrite.

Terminus is a Sabotage mission which means it’s a blitz farm where players scoop up Ferrite as they pass lockers or take down enemies. The enemies here are leveled eight to ten making it a quick run that can net a few hundred Ferrite.
Looting containers can take time if the player doesn’t know where they’re at so players should be ready to memorize their location. Master Thief is very helpful for increasing overall Ferrite gains here. It’s a solid low-level farm.

M Prime is an Exterminate mission on Mercury that has level seven to nine enemies. It’s another blitz farm that tasks players with killing a set number of enemies. The reason it’s a good Ferrite farm is those enemies are Grineer which typically drop the stuff.
For low-level players needing a few hundred Ferrite, it’s a great place in this Sci-Fi game. For higher-level players that can handle tougher enemies, there are better choices out there.

Despina is an Excavation mission on Neptune so it’s a survival farm. Enemies are strong between levels 27 to 32. With containers and enemy drops it’s common to earn up to 500 or so Ferrite each run.
If the player is high level this is an option. The downside is that if a player can successfully run this mission efficiently there are far more lucrative options in this Sci-Fi RPG.

Gaia is an Interception mission that can be done endlessly making it a survival farm. The foe in this mission is Grineer so each enemy can drop Ferrite upon death. Players can also earn a lot of Affinity for each capture.
The player earns as much Ferrite as they want each run. A standard blitz of the mission will net about 500 and longer grinds will bring far more than that at the cost of more time spent. Having Nekros is highly recommended for maximizing gains.

Proteus is a Defense mission making it a survival farm. There are a lot of containers to loot from and the primary enemy are from the Grineer faction so each kill has a chance to drop Ferrite. Enemies are high level between 27 and 32.
It’s a great mission for players who want to hunker down and grind out kills in this third-person shooter. The key to efficiency is to loot lockers and containers between waves. It’s common for this mission to net at least 500 Ferrite at a time with more on occasion.

Thalassa is a mission on Neptune that has a surprising number of containers to loot. Master Thief is highly recommended as players run around breaking into all the containers. The first few runs will be slow as players learn where everything is, but with time this mission can net 600 or so Ferrite.
The other benefit is that the enemies are low level. Players with a higher level can easily blast through foes, grab Ferrite from the containers, and repeat as needed with very low risk.

Pantheon is an Exterminate mission with about 50 or so Grineer on the map. These Grineer are low level, between six and eight. Players can quickly sweep through the map killing all of the Grineer and net quite a few Ferrite.
Then once the Grineer are dead players can go through and search all of the lockers and containers. With a high enough level and a thorough knowledge of the map players can earn between 500 and 700 Ferrite per run in no time at all.

Eurasia is a Mobile Defense mission with low-level enemies between three and five. Players can endlessly grind the Grineer for Ferrite earnings and loot containers between waves.
Doing the mission as intended will net a startling 700 to 1,000 Ferrite at a time. Players opting to stay put and endlessly grind Grineer can earn more through enemies, but it’s recommended restarting for new containers. This is a great Ferrite farm for both low-level and high-level players in this third-person shooter.

By far the best farm in this Sci-Fi MMORPG for Ferrite is the Apollodorus mission on Mercury. It’s a Survival mission with Grineer enemies. There are a few containers but the main prize is grinding wave after wave of enemies for Ferrite drops.
In the first five-minute cycle players have earned north of 1,000 Ferrite. At this point, players can restart or continue grinding endlessly upwards. Depending on player skill and playstyle Eurasia might be more efficient, but for a decently-leveled player, Apollodorus is a treasure trove of Ferrite and other goods.

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