The PS5 and Xbox Series X both have the greatest synergy between console generations. Almost every PS4 game is playable on Sony’s newest console, and many titles even receive significant upgrades just from running. Many developers are even going back to their prior titles and patching them to take advantage of the PS5’s capabilities.
Five of the games below have already been properly patched, while the other five greatly need one. Some incredible PS4 titles deserve to be experienced at the highest possible fidelity. It really feels great when a game players own is upgraded for free, making some cases where PS5 versions cost money feel disappointing, regardless of how impressive the upgrades are.
10 Great Patch: God Of War

One of the more recent titles to receive a patch for the PS5, 2018’s God of War already looks like a next-gen game on the PS4. The recent update allows players to experience Kratos’ adventure at 60 frames per second. While fans hope the next God of War raises the bar visually, many also hope it achieves the 60 frames per second smoothness from the start. It is especially noticeable in such a combat-heavy title.
9 Needs One: Uncharted 4

Uncharted games all target 30 frames per second on their initial run. Some were hoping Uncharted 4 would bump this up to 60, but it still goes for visual fidelity over smoothness. Unfortunately, running it on PS5 still locks the game at 30. Here’s hoping a PS5 patch comes out and remedies this. Looking at Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection on the PS4 shows just how much of a visual boost occurs when the frame rate is doubled.
8 Great Patch: Days Gone

Days Gone’s performance was far from impressive on the PS4. The frame rate often buckled and it felt sluggish overall. Developer Bend Studio, who were previously known for their work on the Syphon Filter franchise, took the opportunity to improve Days Gone in almost every conceivable way for the PS5.
Now, it looks like it could have been developed for the PS5 from the ground up. These improvements are not purely aesthetic; they also improve gameplay.
7 Needs One: Death Stranding

True to Hideo Kojima’s reputation, Death Stranding is a wild narrative-driven title with one foot steeped in science fiction and another in the supernatural. The PS4 already does a great job at showcasing a beautiful, cinematic presentation. The frame rate has a tendency to dip below 30 here and there, however. With a PS5 patch, surely the game could run at a full 60 without breaking a sweat. Hideo Kojima’s prior title, The Phantom Pain, runs at 60 frames per second on the PS4, so it’d be nice to see Death Stranding run just as smoothly.
6 Great Patch: Destiny 2

Destiny has changed in numerous drastic ways since its inception. Many may even forget that the first Destiny came out on PS3. Now a free-to-play title up to a point, Destiny 2 was recently given some significant upgrades for those who own a PS5. They can still play with PS4 owners, but they get the game at 60 frames per second and at a higher resolution with significantly reduced load times. As any first-person shooter fan can relay, playing at a higher frame rate is a huge plus.
5 Needs One: Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake is absolutely one of the most beautiful looking games of the last generation. However, certain cracks appear after playing long enough. The textures in particular suffer under close scrutiny and take a long time to load. With the PS5’s extra power, these issues could certainly be eliminated. Even if the frame rate was not increased, the difference would be more than enough justification for another playthrough.
4 Great Patch: Ghost Of Tsushima

As far as open-world games go, it is hard to find something more visually pleasing than Ghost of Tsushima. One could make an argument for Breath of the Wild, but Sucker Punch’s Samurai epic aims for realism with its visuals, utilizing the PS4’s full power to bring the island to life. Already a jaw-dropping game to behold, the PS5 upgrade doubles the frame rate. Miraculously, this is not even from a patch. The game just kind of knows it is running on the PS5 and makes the adjustments without an additional download.
3 Needs One: Bloodborne

FromSoftware has some of the best combat of any developer out there, and Bloodborne exemplifies this perfectly. Unfortunately, the developer’s titles often have performance issues. Bloodborne at least runs okay on the PS4, but a title where combat so heavily relies on perfect timing begs to be played at a higher frame rate. All the Dark Souls games already run at 60 frames per second on the PS5, but Bloodborne is stuck on 30 at the moment.
2 Great Patch: No Man’s Sky

At this point, it is difficult to remember a time when No Man’s Sky was not considered one of the finest living games. Developer Hello Games is not done improving upon the release, however.
In November 2020 – the same month the new consoles launched – a new update came out, improving the graphics and making planets more dense. Load times are also dramatically cut down. With such a drastic next-generation update, it makes one wonder if No Man’s Sky will ever receive a true sequel.
1 Needs One: Last Of Us Part II

When The Last of Us was re-released on the PS4, it looked like it was made for the system in the first place. People would probably say the same thing if Last of Us Part II received a patch taking advantage of the PS5’s extra power. Imagine gazing upon those gorgeous visuals with a higher frame rate and a higher resolution. With a multiplayer mode in development, it is easy to imagine a patch for the single-player campaign also coming out at the same time, though no one has any clue when that might be.

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