Since 2013, Capcom has released three games in the Ace Attorney franchise in Japan. Those games include Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice, which was released worldwide in 2016. The other two games, however, remained exclusive to Japan. They are The Great Ace Attorney and its sequel, and the reason they were never localized was never fully explained. Years later, it seems like Capcom is ready to change that. A new The Great Ace Attorney compilation has been rated for release in Taiwan, though it’s since been removed from public view.
It’s named The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, a combo pack featuring both The Great Ace Attorney and The Great Ace Attorney 2. Taiwan’s rating board has evaluated the release not just for the Nintendo Switch, but also for PC and PlayStation. Given that it’s a relatively straight forward listing, there are no further details regarding the game. As such, it may be some time before the compilation is released, if at all.
The Great Ace Attorney originally launched in 2015 for the Nintendo 3DS and its sequel followed in 2017. Both games were subsequently released on Android and iOS. Again, these were only ever released in Japan. Western ports will be the first time the game’s been updated or released on new platforms in three years.

Discovery of the rating indicates that a recent leak of Capcom’s planned game releases for the next several years could be accurate. Ace Attorney fans will be pleased to know that the leak included not just The Great Ace Attorney western releases, but also plans to release Ace Attorney Investigations 2 and an entirely new Ace Attorney 7, as well. As ever, fans should maintain some skepticism until Capcom makes an official announcement.
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is a rumored release for PC, PS4, and Switch.
Source: Taiwan Entertainment Software Rating Information (via Eurogamer)

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