Popular shooter Apex Legends entered its eighth (rather buggy) season in February, celebrated its second anniversary and introduced players to the latest competitor in the Apex Games: Fuse. Fuse is an abrasive Offensive Legend who doesn’t mind charging into a fight armed to the teeth with explosives.
While players can expect to deal lots of damage and control the fight with Fuse, the newest Legend is not without his drawbacks. His destructive arsenal doesn’t give him much room for evasive tactics, for example, but what fun is running away when you can create a wall of fire and turn your enemies into sitting ducks? There’s a lot for newer players to learn about the fascinating new Legend in this influential Battle Royale.
10 He’s (Technically) The Oldest Legend In The Game So Far

Fuse is officially the oldest Legend in Apex Legends at 54 years of age, and he’s the first Australian Legend to boot. Players can expect to hear him shouting plenty of sarcastic slang at teammates and enemies alike. When he kills an enemy, for example, he might quip “It’s just winge, winge, bloody winge with you, isn’t it?”
After Fuse, the next oldest character is Caustic at 48 years of age, then Horizon at 37 years of age. Revenant is technically hundreds of years old, but because he is no longer human, he doesn’t get the top spot.
9 He Has An Explosive, Complicated Past

In the video Stories from the Outlands: Good as Gold, Fuse is introduced on the war-torn world Salvo with his friend Maggie. They had a close, competitive relationship growing up, which turned into a violent rivalry when they became adults.
While Maggie wanted to become a warlord of the independent Salvo, Fuse “felt the pull of the arena“ and became more and more distanced from his childhood friend. When Fuse joined the Apex Games, though, Maggie didn’t let him go easily.
8 His Childhood Friend Obliterated King’s Canyon

When Fuse arrived at King’s Canyon in the Apex Legends Season 8 launch trailer, things didn’t go quite according to plan. The decades-old rivalry between Fuse and Maggie reached new heights when Maggie sabotaged his ship, fired on innocent people and destroyed parts of King’s Canyon.
It’s a constant joke in the Apex community that King’s Canyon will eventually be completely obliterated by incoming Legends. For now, though, there is a new area on the north end of the map (which returned in Season 7) called Crash Site, the final resting place of Fuse’s gunship.
7 Knuckle Cluster Sticks To Everything

Fuse’s abilities are all based around explosives, explosives and more explosives. His tactical ability is the Knuckle Cluster, a bomb that detonates into a cluster of smaller grenades. His tactical takes 25 seconds to recharge, and each grenade can do up to 50 damage.
Just as with the arc star, the Knuckle Cluster can stick to enemies and the environment, dealing an extra 10 damage upon sticking to an enemy.
6 Grenadier Gives Fuse Twice The Blasting Power

Fuse’s passive ability Grenadier allows him to carry two grenades in each inventory slot instead of just one. His passive also increases ordnance speed, distance and accuracy. Fuse thrives on creating fiery mayhem in a fight and loading his inventory with grenades is the best way to maximize his explosive capabilities.
The increased throwing speed increases the bounce of frag grenades too, making Fuse a great legend for taking out enemies out of sight.
5 The Motherlode Is A Situational Ultimate

The Motherlode is Fuse’s ultimate ability and is similar to Bangalore and Gibraltar’s ultimates. Fuse creates a wall of flame and bombards the inner circle. The attack deals 35 damage initially, slows enemies inside the circle and deals constant damage to them as they try to escape.
The Motherlode takes a few seconds to set up, though, and takes two minutes to recharge. This ultimate is best when used as a defensive ability that walls off an area and forces enemies to take another route. Originally this ultimate was supposed to be a simple giant bomb, but developers thought it was far too powerful.
4 He’s Countered By Evasive Legends…

Because Fuse does not have any abilities related to mobility, it can be hard to escape tricky situations or run away from a stronger enemy team. Legends like Octane and Wraith can practically run circles around him before he can do anything about it, while legends like Pathfinder and Horizon find it easy to catch up. Additionally, his tactical and ultimate are directly countered by Wattson’s Interception Pylon.
Fuse’s tactical and ultimate can force enemy teams to take a different route and slows their advance, but Fuse is at his best when he is charging into a fight, not running away from one.
3 …But He Synergizes With Almost Everybody

Being an Offensive Legend has its drawbacks, but Fuse has some serious synergies with multiple Legends that can turn the tide of a fight with good communication. Horizon’s Black Hole ultimate can prevent enemies from being able to escape The Motherlode, while Caustic’s gas traps will amplify damage to enemies (though a nerf seems to be coming his way) in the middle of the flame ring. Using The Motherlode with Gibraltar’s Defensive Bombardment or Bangalore’s Rolling Thunder makes the damage tick up astronomically, too.
Aside from increasing damage output, using Fuse’s abilities with Revenant’s Silence, Caustic’s Nox Grenade, or even Crypto’s EMP blast can effectively force an enemy team to surrender to the explosions around them with no way out.
2 Fuse Takes Damage From His Abilities

The newest legend in Apex Legends is all about mayhem, but that doesn’t mean he is immune to the consequences of his actions. The Knuckle Cluster and The Motherlode both deal damage to Fuse if he is caught inside the blast but won’t damage teammates.
Fuse’s abilities shine in open areas, not in tight hallways where the flow of the battle can be controlled from a distance. His tactical can be handy when fighting in enclosed spaces, though, so it’s useful that his Grenadier passive increases this precision.
1 Fuse Identifies as Pansexual

Apex Legends is perhaps one of the most LGBTQ+ friendly competitive games out there, and Fuse’s pansexuality being confirmed by Apex Legends writers is perfectly in line with the legends introduced thus far.
Gibraltar’s backstory revolves around the loss of his boyfriend, Bloodhound is canonically non-binary, and Loba and Mirage are also pansexual.

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