Although there are many varieties of dragons to be found in Skyrim, the Legendary Dragon is by far the most deadly of the species. Appearing to the player after they have reached level 78, Legendary Dragons are powerful foes that require skill and know-how in order to come out on top in a battle against one of these creatures.
For a warrior, in particular, this can be a problematic situation, as the majority of warriors don’t have much in the way of ranged capabilities that can bring a dragon to the ground where they can be attacked. Accomplishing such a feat is often difficult without certain shouts or items to assist in the process.
6 Consider Useful Items To Enhance Your Warrior

Before attempting to tackle a Legendary Dragon, a warrior should ensure they have the right tools before rushing into battle with such a powerful monster. Health and Stamina Potions are mandatory here, as Legendary Dragons are capable of dealing a very large amount of damage with the Fire Breath, Frost Breath, and Drain Vitality shouts, not to mention the fact that they hit incredibly hard with their melee attacks. If they are available, potions that can also increase the damage output of melee weapons are also useful to have in combat, though having a good enough weapon for the job might be even more important.
In terms of weapons, one that has a high damage output, such as the Daedric or Dragonbone weapons, as well as a decent enchantment, like Absorb Health and Shock damage, can go a long way to ensuring a warrior will stay alive long enough to slay the dragon. Shock damage will also prevent a dragon from shouting, as, unlike with the Dragonborn’s shouts, a dragon’s shouts use their Magicka pool.
5 Obtain The Greatest Armor You Can

By the time the player has reached level 78, they should already have their armor smithed to the max and have already been running around with the armor cap for some time. With that in mind, equipping the best heavy armor the player can get is less important than making sure it is enchanted with the best effects. For a warrior, this means Resist Fire, Frost, and Magic enchantments alongside increasing One or Two-Handed damage, depending on the weapon of choice.
Having the Reflect Blows perk in the Heavy Armor skill tree will also help in this scenario, as it has a small chance to reflect any biting attacks from the Legendary Dragon back at them, which can do a significant amount of damage on its own. One armor piece that every warrior should take advantage of, even if they are using a Two-Handed build, is the shield, Spellbreaker, as it can protect them from all spells, including shouts, when it is used.
4 Choose A Follower That Compliments Your Abilities

For an enemy as powerful as a Legendary Dragon, players should make sure they aren’t going into battle alone. For a warrior, the best companion is any that has decent ranged capabilities that also won’t immediately die if they are hit by a shout. Ingjard from the Dawnguard is a great pick, as both her armor and Archery skills are fairly high, and she comes equipped with a Crossbow, though this can easily be switched out for the Enhanced Dwarven version that deals much more damage. Another great option is J’zargo from the College of Winterhold, though the player will have to join the College in order to recruit him, which doesn’t usually fit with a warrior playstyle.
3 Choose The Right Passive Effects

There are many great passive effects that the player can obtain throughout the game, including the Standing Stone powers. For a warrior, the Lord Stone, which increases armor rating and Magic resistance, or the Lady Stone, which increases Health and Stamina regeneration, are both great picks for battling a dragon. The Atronach Stone, while more suited to a mage than a warrior, can also be useful as it grants a 50% chance to absorb a spell entirely and take no damage from it. Combined with the Breton racial power Dragonskin, which has the same effect, the player will have 60 seconds of reprieve from all spells a dragon can throw their way.
Other useful passive effects are the Agent of Mara, which can be obtained by completing the “Book of Love” side quest in Riften, Histskin, the Argonian racial power that increases health regeneration by ten times for 60 seconds, and Dragon Infusion, which is a powerful effect obtained through the Blades that reduces melee damage from dragons by 25%. With any number of these combined, the player should have no problem taking down a Legendary Dragon, even on higher difficulties.
2 Consider Shouts That Compliment The Warrior Archetype

It wouldn’t be a battle against a dragon without using shouts to help turn the tides in the player’s favor. Shouts like Elemental Fury are particularly great if the player doesn’t have an enchanted weapon, or are using weapons with an innate effect like Wuuthrad, The Longhammer, or a Silver Sword. The best shout for a warrior to use is definitely Dragonrend, as forcing a Legendary Dragon to land will put them at the mercy of a warrior’s best assets, their melee weapon. However, this also means that the player won’t be able to easily hide behind obstructions to force shouts to miss their mark. If the main story has been completed, the Call of Valor shout can also be useful, as the warrior summoned this way is quite powerful and capable of taking down even the best dragons around.
1 Bring The Beast Down

When fighting any sort of dragon as a warrior, the first order of business is going to involve tacking it while it is still in the air, as this is the hardest part of fighting a dragon for a melee-focused character. If the player has the Bloodskal Blade, this can be a non-issue, though the sword beams fired by the Bloodskal Blade aren’t particularly powerful and can result in the player losing all of their stamina without dealing much damage. If the player has a follower with ranged capabilities, then any way they can protect the follower from retribution by the dragon will help immensely, as some followers can die very quickly if left to their own devices. Once the dragon has landed, it’s the warrior’s time to shine and slash or bash away as furiously as possible until the dragon lets out its final, pitiful roar and its soul is absorbed to be used for later.

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