Overwatch Bug is Making Payload Matches End in Draws | Game Rant

Overwatch is usually a stable game, but over the past few months, more and more bugs have seemingly begun to appear. The latest issue is particularly troubling, as it sees one of the Payload maps in Overwatch randomly ending in draws.

Normally, Overwatch’s payload maps end in a definitive victory. With the mode centered on players moving an object as far as they can, one team typically fails to move the payload further than the opposing group of players. On rare occasions, however, draws can happen, as two teams can move the payload the exact same distance or not at all. A new bug seems to be making draws like this a lot more common.

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Shown in a gameplay clip from Overwatch League player Super, it appears that Eichenwalde’s door point is not functioning as intended. An intense match sees the player entering overtime, with both teams fighting one another on the map’s payload. Super’s team wins the fight at the gate, dying shortly after the payload is pushed through the gate. However, before the team dies, the payload can clearly be seen inside the yellow zone that usually determines a victory. The payload is shown going beyond the yellow zone, with Super and his team pushing it even further than necessary.

Understandably, this new Overwatch bug infuriated Super, as he voiced his frustrations with the issue. Explaining how the cart was “not only in the yellow box, put passed it,” Super takes issue with the fact his team was not declared the winner. However, not everyone agrees that the bug is as severe as Super is claiming, with several viewers saying that the match ending in a draw was the right decision.

Overwatch fans like Cannolioso took to Reddit to discuss the bug, saying Super’s cart was only moving forward due to the auto push caused by the Eichenwalde gate being knocked down. This means that, like the other team, Super’s push was stopped at the gate instead of where the cart ended up. The yellow zone on the floor is simply in the wrong place, making for a confusing visual glitch that distracts from the actual result of the match. While some Redditors agree with Super, it seems many others feel that the final decision was fair.

Even if the match should have been a draw, there is still a bug at play in Eichenwalde, with the issue being visual as opposed to utterly game breaking. Regardless, hopefully the problem is fixed soon, as Overwatch players are already upset due to the recent Orisa buff.

Overwatch is a available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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