As part of the Destiny 2 weekly reset, Bungie has added the Dead Man’s Tale Exotic to the in-game Collections, alongside its Exotic Quest, The Voice on the Other Side. Starting the Destiny 2 Exotic Quest for the Dead Man’s Tale isn’t quite as straightforward as some other Exotic Quests have been in the looter-shooter, and so some Guardians may be a bit confused about how to get it started.
The first thing Destiny 2 players will want to do after downloading the latest update is to head to The Arms Dealer Strike. The Arms Dealer Strike in Destiny 2 is one of the remaining Strikes from the Red War campaign, located at the European Dead Zone. Upon starting the strike, players should notice a newly opened path that leads to Scorpius enemies and culminates in a boss fight with an enemy named Than’Grot. An objective marker should appear that shows players exactly where they need to go, but there are conflicting reports on that at this time.
After defeating Than’Grot, Destiny 2 players can investigate the platform he was standing on. At the far end of the platform is a blue crate, and inside is an Intercepted Distress Signal. Finish completing the Arms Dealer Strike and then return to the Tower.
With the Intercepted Distress Signal in tow, speak with Commander Zavala. When Zavala is done talking, Destiny 2 players should get the option to accept the Dead Man’s Tale Exotic Quest, The Voice on the Other Side. The distress signal will lead Destiny 2 players to a location in The Tangled Shore, so mark it as the active quest and then open up the Destinations menu.
After selecting The Tangled Shore, take note of a new location in the top left corner of the map. If the previous steps were completed correctly, Destiny 2 players should see a new Exotic Quest mission there called Presage. The recommended Power is 1230, so some Destiny 2 players may need to do a little bit of grinding before attempting this, but those who play the game regularly should be able to jump in right away and continue the quest.
It should be noted that, like with the Hawkmoon Exotic Quest, Destiny 2 players will need to purchase the Season Pass to start the Dead Man’s Tale Exotic Quest. The Destiny 2 Season Pass comes with a ton of other perks as well, though, so it may very well be worth it for those who play the game regularly.
Destiny 2 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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