While Riot Games might be in hot water, there’s no denying that their game, League of Legends, is enjoying more popularity than ever before. How many other games get eight million concurrent players a day? It’s been a perfect game for those stuck at home due to the pandemic and as a result, many new players are trying out the game.
Players that want to rank up and be the best in League of Legends need to know how to get the most out of their champion’s abilities. Braum can make an excellent ADC or support character depending on which way players want to go. If players know how to use all of his abilities, he becomes quite the beast on the battlefield.

Concussive Blows is a fantastic passive ability that defines Braum as a character. Here are the basics of how it works:
- Braum‘s basic attacks and Winter’s Bite each apply Concussive Blows to his target for 4 seconds, stacking up to 4 times. Once the first stack has been applied, any allied champion’s basic attack on the target generates an additional stack.
- Upon reaching 4 stacks, the target is stunned for 1.25 − 1.75 (based on level) seconds and takes 26 − 196 (based on level) magic damage.
- This effect cannot occur on the same target more than once every few seconds, but during this immunity period affected targets instead take 20% of the trigger damage as bonus magic damage from Braum‘s basic attacks and Winter’s Bite.
This is the number one rule of playing as Braum — always be stacking Concussive Blows. Once the first hit is landed, make sure to get allies to add on with some basic attacks of their own. It’s far easier to take down everything from dragons to enemy champions if they’re stunned.

Winter’s Bite not only combines with Concussive Blows but is also just plain useful in its own right. Here’s how it works:
- Braum propels ice from his shield in the target direction, dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit and slowing them by 70% decaying over 2 seconds.
Look at just how much enemies get slowed! Landing Winter’s Bite can be the difference between a successful ambush on the enemy or an opponent getting away. It’s an amazing way to force the opposing team to turn around and fight a questionable battle because their retreat has become likely impossible.

Stand Behind Me is one of the reasons that Braum makes for such a perfect support champion. Here are the basics of how it works:
- Braum dashes to the target ally, positioning himself between them and the closest enemy champion, gaining bonus armor and bonus magic resistance for 3 seconds. If his target is a champion, they also receive the same bonuses.
The obvious way to implement this ability is for raising defense in tough fights or to set up for quick retreats. However, it’s important to realize this ability isn’t always about defense — it can help offensively as well. This ability can help Braum suddenly be in the thick of battle while buffing teammates for some serious ambush potential.

Unbreakable is another fantastic ability that makes Braum into a powerhouse as a support character but also has surprising offensive capabilities. Here’s how it works:
- Braum raises his shield in the target direction, creating a barrier that intercepts incoming non-turret enemy projectiles and reduces the damage he takes through the shield. The first instance of damage blocked by his shield is negated completely
- While his shield is raised, Braum also gains 10% bonus movement speed and is ghosted.
Being able to completely shrug off a single powerful projectile-based ability can be the difference between a winning encounter and being crushed. Plus, putting Braum at the front of a fight can help to make tower pushes far easier in general if opponents are nearby with this ability.
Offensively, being able to avoid unit collision can allow Braum to chase down enemies who thought they were about to make a safe getaway behind a group of minions. Once he catches them, using something like Winter’s Bite can slow them down until the rest of the team can catch up.

Braum’s ultimate is a sight to behold and is marvelously powerful. Here’s how it works:
- Braum leaps into the air and slams his shield into the ground, creating a fissure in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies as well as those around him.
- Enemy champions hit in the close vicinity are knocked up, while enemies hit in the line are knocked up for 0.25 seconds.
- If no enemy champions are hit in the point-blank area, the first enemy champion hit in the line is knocked up for the full duration.
- A field of ice then remains at the fissure’s location for 4 seconds, slowing enemies within, persisting for 0.25 seconds.
If a group fight starts off with Glacial Fissure hitting most of the enemy team they can kiss their sorry butts goodbye. This is why this ability has a long casting time in general. Players need to be absolutely sure this move works but when it does, it can make engaging the enemy a breeze.
It’s equally useful for when players need to retreat. Let’s be real, it’s impossible to win every fight, right? Majorly slowing enemy champions down so they can’t give chase is wonderful, and some will even simply run away instead of continuing to put the pressure on.

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