The imminent releases of NieR Replicant and NieR Reincarnation are no longer the only things NieR fans have to look forward to. Square Enix has opened pre-orders for new merchandise based off of NieR Replicant and NieR Automata respectively.
Fans will soon be able to buy a pair of card cases and pouches based off of Grimoire Weiss from NieR Replicant and 2B from NieR Automata. These adapt each character’s designs into stylish accessories for one’s purse or wallet. The Weiss items are made from a textured brown leather and are imbued with a metallic version of the book’s cover. The 2B designs are made from a striking black material reminiscent of 2B’s outfit and contain a shining YoRHa emblem.
The card cases will cost $34.99 each, but are currently discounted to $31.50 for pre-orders. Likewise, the pouches will cost $32.99 each, but are currently $29.69. All four of these items will release in May 2021, shortly after the release of NieR Replicant‘s remaster. The exact date of shipment is still unknown, however, so fans must stay tuned for more information at a later date.

NieR has quickly become an extremely successful series, so unique merchandise such as this is expected but very welcome. Automata already has a large number of collectibles, so it is exciting to see Replicant also getting some love in that department. While the remaster is out in just a few months, the discussion surrounding the game hasn’t been as prevalent as it was surrounding Automata, so anything to appease fans of Replicant is appreciated. Nonetheless, fans of both titles will need to keep an eye on these unique pieces of merchandise once they become available in May of this year.
Source: Siliconera

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