What D&D Class Should You Play, Based On Your Hogwarts House?

Fans of the Harry Potter series have been sorting themselves into the four Houses at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ever since the first book. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin all have their merits and weaknesses. Similarly, every class in Dungeons & Dragons has its advantages and drawbacks.

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Several D&D classes play uncannily well into the hands of specific Hogwarts Houses. Since choosing a class that resonates can make any RPG more fulfilling, players might consider their own House in picking a class for their next campaign. With that in mind, here are a few options that align with each House’s greatest strengths.

12 Gryffindor: Barbarian

Bold, brave, eager Gryffindors love to go charging into any fray. They meet challenges head-on, no holds barred. This makes Barbarian an ideal class for members of this House.

Characters in this class have little sense of caution. Their emotions — especially anger and rage — tend to take the reins. Similarly, Gryffindors have a hard time restraining themselves if they see an opportunity to topple tyranny, punish cruelty, or simply prove their strength. As a Barbarian, though, they’ll never have to hold back.

11 Ravenclaw: Wizard

Ravenclaws love nothing more than learning new things, pushing their minds to the brink of what they can hold. Thus, the Wizard class holds immense appeal, with the vast number of spells that these players are able to learn and use.

In the world of D&D, a Wizard’s power comes from years of study. Such a prospect doesn’t bore a Ravenclaw; rather, they find it thrilling. Members of this house will be sure to learn every spell they can and also find the right moment to use each one.

10 Hufflepuff: Druid

Hufflepuffs aren’t afraid of hard work. Dedication and diligence are defining characteristics of this house, and also traits that Druids often possess. Mastering the forces of nature is no easy task, but true Hufflepuffs can rise to it.

Members of this House also have a strong sense of fairness and do not waiver in their convictions. Though Druids are often peaceful, they will rise up to stand against unnatural forces such as necromancy. Likewise, Hufflepuffs never hesitate to correct injustice when necessary.

9 Slytherin: Warlock

With their ambition and hunger for success, Slytherins aren’t above cutting deals to get ahead. Warlock players gain their abilities by doing exactly this. Through a bargain they make with a mystical patron, Warlocks can access all the power a Slytherin could dream of.

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Nasty stereotypes abound for both Slytherins and Warlocks. However, just as not all Slytherins are evil, most magical patrons don’t have evil intent. Some toy with mortals or play mind games, but for clever Slytherins, this is a fun roleplaying aspect.

8 Gryffindor: Sorcerer

Sorcerers don’t need to rely on books or learning for their abilities. Blessed with innate magical gifts, they’re ready to start flinging fireballs wherever and whenever they need to. This makes them the perfect casting class for Gryffindors.

Members of this House can be impatient, always itching for action. However, this doesn’t have to mean swinging a sword or battleaxe. With a Sorcerer’s mysterious abilities, Gryffindor players can be ready with their spells whenever the action calls — no need for tedious studying.

7 Ravenclaw: Monk

Monks dedicate their lives to training, aligning their bodies and souls in perfect harmony. The mental discipline this life requires is daunting for some but holds appeal for members of this House. To Ravenclaws, the idea of strengthening one’s body through mental training is an aspirational one.

For Ravenclaws who seek to play a character more oriented towards physical combat, a Monk’s mind-over-matter techniques make it an excellent choice. A Monk’s strategic, methodical approach to battle plays right into a Ravenclaw’s strengths.

6 Hufflepuff: Fighter

In both the fanbase and the Harry Potter world itself, some see Hufflepuff House as a kind of catch-all, a place for those who don’t fit anywhere else. While this may not be strictly true, Hufflepuff does have a wide variety of personalities. Similarly, a Fighter has the potential to go in several different directions.

Regardless of their subclass, Fighters tend to be loyal and protective, just like Hufflepuffs. In the end, nobody regrets having a Fighter or a Hufflepuff at their side when things get sticky.

5 Slytherin: Bard

Slytherins aren’t just sly and cunning. With their charismatic, articulate nature, members of this house can be quite inspiring. They’re skilled at influencing others and rousing them to action, just like a talented Bard.

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Bards are the artists in the world of D&D, but they’re more than painters and poets. Like Slytherins, they sway people with the power of speech, whether to further their own ends or rally behind a cause. Members of this house will thrive with that power, no matter how they choose to use it.

4 Gryffindor: Paladin

Not all Gryffindors are about bravado alone. Plenty of members of this House use their bravery to stand up for what’s right, making Paladin an excellent choice. Like Clerics, Paladins are bound to a holy oath, but instead of healing or protection, they focus on striking down enemies.

Chivalry is important to this House, just as Paladins use their strength to help those in need. Their code of honor will never allow an innocent to come to harm, just as Gryffindors will lay down their lives to protect others.

3 Ravenclaw: Artificer

When it comes to smarts and learning, Ravenclaws don’t just focus on what’s already known. They’re creative thinkers and love to explore new paths, making Artificer a perfect choice for members of this House.

Artificers are the inventors and experimenters of D&D. Members of Ravenclaw House will have the time of their lives dreaming up new creations, whether they be potent elixirs or enchanted weapons. Ingenuity and resourcefulness are hallmark traits of a Ravenclaw, and they are huge assets for this new and fascinating character class.

2 Hufflepuff: Cleric

Devoted and loyal, members of this House are the truest friends. Everyone needs a Hufflepuff in their corner, just like every D&D party needs a cleric. Whether it’s defensive spells, healing, or destroying large swaths of undead, a Cleric’s motivation is to protect those around them.

Clerics are mainly driven by faith, acting in service to a deity. This further echoes the Hufflepuff quality of loyalty and sense of duty. Members of this House are steadfast and true, just as Clerics are committed to their creed.

1 Slytherin: Rogue

Many Slytherins admire guile and trickery, the key aspects of this class. Cunning, clever, and slippery, Rogues share their defining traits with this house. In the world of D&D, Slytherins can use Rogue skills to pick locks, steal information, and escape from just about anything.

Through lies and disguise, Rogues are masters of getting what they want by any means necessary. Though not all Slytherins resort to such underhanded methods to achieve their goals in real life, members of this House will enjoy roleplaying that fantasy.

NEXT: 5 Games To Play Before Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance


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