10 Pro Tips You Should Know Before Starting Little Nightmares 2

Little Nightmares 2 is a horror game where players guide characters Six and Mono through a grotesque world filled with humanoid monsters who want to murder them. The game is filled with secret locations, hidden messages, and a plot that puts a dark twist on the everyday lives of children.

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The game itself is not that difficult to handle, but there are a few pointers players should know before starting the game if they want to become pros in the world of Little Nightmares. Some puzzles are more difficult than others, but if players perfect the handling of the game, they will soon see the patterns in these puzzles as well.

10 Be Conscious About The Volume

Little Nightmare 2, like a lot of well-made horror games, relies on sounds and tiny sensations. Players need to be attentive when it comes to these sound cues.

It’s recommended to play this game with headphones to fully submerge into the world of the game. Also, sounds and music often help with puzzles. Plus, Six often calls out to Mono when she finds something or if she needs help.

9 Learn To Slide

This game is not a combat-oriented one, but it does have some hard escaping sequences. One thing a lot of people only realize after playing for a while is the ability to slide.

When in combat, or when needing to escape, crouching while running makes the character slide. This is important because the characters are very tiny, so moving obstacles or climbing is more time-consuming than simply sliding under them. Players can also avoid hits with sliding.

8 Be Aware Of The Environment

Just as with the sound, the environment also has subtle hints that players need to be cautious about. Because the only monologue in the entire game is when Mono and Six call out to each other, the game relies on environmental and sound cues.

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The plot and narrative are told through imagery and tiny details, so if players want to crack the meaning of the plot, they need to be aware of these little hints, such as: why are eyeballs everywhere? Or why are there so many masks and television sets?

7 Focus On Six

Six often wanders off and explores the world on her own, discovering clues and hidden rooms or puzzle-solutions. After a bit of time or a story cue, she returns to help Mono get to her latest discovery.

So apart from being a cute sidekick who can help with puzzles that need two sets of arms, she’s also a great asset. Don’t underestimate her ability.

6 Help Six When Necessary

At times, Six will need Mono’s help when she struggles. Be sure to keep an eye on her, because she can also need Mono’s help when she’s scared. It may seem like a strange burden, but it adds extra tension to the game.

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If this happens, players can hold her hand and guide her through the scary areas. This ability can also come in handy during combat, so they don’t lose each other.

5 Scan The Area

Using the right thumbstick, players can control the camera. This is a fairly standard action for a lot of gamers, but in this game, it’s crucial to scan the area for traps and monsters ahead.

There are a few puzzles, especially toward the end of the game, where it’s important to plan the character’s motion before diving in headfirst.

4 Methodical Fighting

In a lot of combat games, fighting is done by having ninja-reflexes and acting fast when an opportunity shows up. Because Little Nightmares 2 isn’t a combat-oriented game, fighting is done differently.

Players have to be more methodical when planning these confrontations. This includes scanning the area for all routes, using the flashlight correctly with perfect timing, and being aware of obstacles. Tiny Mono can’t maneuver around or move larger obstacles easily.

3 Don’t Be Afraid To Explore

The world of Little Nightmares 2 relies on small environmental clues. This is not only to build the story but also to hide easter eggs and collectibles.

There are a lot of traps, as well as hidden opportunities in the game, so taking the time in each room to look around can make the entire experience better. Players can find achievements and collectible hats in every nook and cranny, so don’t rule anything out.

2 Try To Interact With Everything

Opening a refrigerator can be an achievement alone, and sliding a box to the right place can open another path players didn’t know about. Try to interact with every object found in the room to explore hidden paths and doors on the way.

And if anything seems out of place, it usually means that that’s a special location with a few hidden clues to find.

1 Don’t Be Afraid To Die

Dying is a natural side effect in the game every now and then. Sometimes players will find themselves in rather uncomfortable situations that they can’t get out of. If that happens, it could be best to let the character die and start again with a new perspective.

In combat, or in situations where players need to act very fast, being even a second off can doom the character, and players need to start again.

NEXT: 10 Horror Games That Are Great (Despite Not Being Scary)


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