Yakuza is an excellent series for those that like Grand Theft Auto-type open-world, crime-themed games. Like Rockstar’s franchise, the Yakuza games are filled with weird encounters for players to discover. In fact, weird encounters have become a hallmark of the Yakuza games as the series has progressed.
Gamers who have played through these games can verify that the encounters have gotten crazier with each successive title, almost to the point of becoming a parody of itself. The series keeps the main story-lines serious and focused on the yakuza, but when it comes to the substories, anything goes.
10 Bubble, Bubble, Toil, and Trouble – Yakuza: Like A Dragon

This encounter begins when a man in a hidden area gets the attention of the player. He explains that he was at a “soapland” taking a bubble bath when he got a call from his grandfather. His grandfather informs him his grandmother has been taken to the hospital. So, this man ran out into the city covered only by the bubbles.
If the player chooses to help, they must escort this man to a clothing store so he doesn’t get arrested. This is made more difficult by people on the streets throwing water. Once at the clothing store, the player must help this man explain to the employees why he’s naked.
9 The Girl Who Leapt Through Time – Yakuza 6

The player is walking down the path in the city when a young woman stops him to ask what year it currently is. When the player tells her it’s 2016, she gets excited and explains she successfully went a year into the past as she is from 2017. She didn’t physically travel through time, but her mind went back and possessed a younger version of herself.
The player (Kiryu) eventually tells her that he doesn’t believe her and walks away. The player will encounter this girl again. During this second encounter, her father will appear and speak to her and Kiryu. At this point, the player must save her father and change the past, her past anyway.
8 How To Train Your Dominatrix – Yakuza 0

This encounter begins when the player comes across a man on his knees begging a woman to punish him; keep in mind this is happening out in public. After eavesdropping for a minute, the player learns the man is a masochist and enjoys being humiliated, but the dominatrix is not very good at the art of humiliation.
After beating some street thugs in front of the would-be dominatrix, she asks the player to teach her how to punish people. The player must role-play with the dominatrix so she can get better; this happens at a play area in front of children.
7 Runaway Robot – Yakuza 6

As Kiryu is walking around, he notices a robot (a Roomba) zip past him. Moments later a man comes running after it but collapses out of exhaustion. The man explains that it is his robot and that it escaped, which causes Kiryu to ruminate on the oncoming robot apocalypse.
The man further explains that he was going to propose to his girlfriend, but the robot (named Soji) has his ring. The player must help by chasing down the robot; this isn’t as easy as it seems since the robot speeds-up when Kiryu gets close.
6 Special Delivery: Straight Outta Paper – Yakuza: Like A Dragon

When going into a public restroom in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, there is the chance of encountering someone in need of salvation. The player can be confronted by a man with a serious problem – there is no more toilet paper left in the restroom.
This man in need of tissues can be encountered three times. If the player wants to help, they must leave the restroom and go find some “pocket tissues.” The first time this man is encountered, make sure to buy a lot of tissues to avoid having to make multiple trips.
5 Golden Opportunity – Yakuza: Like A Dragon

While walking down S. Sakura River St. at night, the player can come across an angry housewife talking to a police officer. After listening to their conversation, the player learns the woman observed a man relieving himself into the river. The police officer explains that since information is only “trickling in” they must have a “golden opportunity” and catch the perpetrator in the act.
The player will eventually come across four guys relieving themselves and have to find the culprit from the earlier incident. After a fight, the player delivers the offender to the police. The weirdest part of this encounter is the man’s reason for his actions.
4 The Unnerving Ghost Tape – Yakuza Kiwami 2

On E. Tahei Blvd. in Yakuza Kiwami 2, Kiryu can encounter a man who needs the protagonist to do him “a solid.” The man asks Kiryu to take a video cassette from him. He explains it is erotica and that Kiryu needs to watch it before he runs away.
The next part of this substory is locating a video booth to see what’s on this tape. Viewing the tape reveals an odd scene of a young girl alone on a playground. After the tape glitches, the girl disappears and then re-appears right in front of the camera, like in the movie The Ring.
3 Crawfish Caper – Yakuza: Like A Dragon

While walking across the Sunrise Bridge, the player can come across a lone crawfish. After interacting with it, Kasuga tosses it into the river. As soon as this is done, a homeless man comes running up bemoaning that Kasuga threw his beloved crawfish, Nancy, into the river.
After telling the player about how he spends his days with Nancy, the man walks away crying. You now must find a crawfish with a scar in the shape of an “X” on its back. After returning Nancy to the grateful man, he invites Kasuga to stay for dinner. The main course is Nancy.
2 In The Name Of Art – Yakuza Kiwami 2

While walking through the city, Kiryu encounters a man who asks if he’s ever done any modeling. His model called in sick and now he’s out looking for a replacement. After getting back to his office, the man tells Kiryu to sit tight; the art director will be in soon. The art director, wearing only red underwear, is then introduced to the player.
Kiryu then starts the photoshoot by doing simple poses with his shirt off. Next, Kiryu is doing things like pretending to be a lion stalking his prey. Upon learning these photos will be entered into a contest, Kiryu demands to be given the film.
1 Be My Baby – Yakuza Kiwami 2

This is easily one of the weirdest and most comical encounters in all of gaming. After beating up a group of thugs who keep you from walking down the street, their boss, Gondawara, arrives and offers Kiryu a night of fun at his favorite club.
At the club, Kiryu learns that this is an establishment for men to go to be treated like babies by the female staff members. After accidentally knocking the wall over, Kiryu is given a bizarre scene to witness. Mr. Gondawara and his henchmen are all in diapers and playing around in a large playroom (complete with baby toys) as if they were infants.

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