Harvest Moon One World: 5 Things We Want (& 5 We Don’t)

Harvest Moon has gone through a lot of changes over the years, building a big audience that has put a ton of time into the ride. While the game has taken some time to find its footing, the new title One World looks like its going to set the record straight and prove why the series grew so popular in the first place.

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With such a bright build up to the new game, fans are expecting great things from the move to Nintendo Switch. Cutting out some of the baggage of the old titles and introducing new content that will keep players hooked for 100s of hours again. Starting a brand new adventure with a bigger world than ever before, it’s time to dive back into the peaceful farm and let loose.

10 Want: New Characters

Throughout the years there have been some reoccurring faces in the new games, especially since they came to the North American game developers. After 2 years since the last Harvest Moon release, fans are expecting some fresh characters to hopefully explore the lush world with.

Proving to players that they can still create new content that keeps us hooked, the characters should be the kind that we originally fell in love with so long ago. Quirky and helpful is the name of the game, things that make us interested in spending the long hours that most put into every title.

9 Don’t Want: Total Overhaul

A critical mistake that games make when they want to prove a point is taking too much away, leaving a completely new game that the fan base doesn’t recognize. Most farming games have a unique vibe that leans the players one way or the other, taking this away will only drive nostalgic players to some of the newer competitors.

There’s a fine line between adding new content to get stuck into and taking some of the most important aspects out and leaving a shadow of the former title. Harvest Moon is at its best when it focuses on the wide range of fun activities that made it popular back in 1996, keeping players engaged.

8 Want: More Plant

When it’s all said and done, the main point of the game is growing the biggest and best crops. Coming to a whole new generation of console gives the creators a chance to wow fans with the best lineup of plants yet, focusing on the important part first.

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From Blue Mist Flowers to Tea Leaves, the list of high earning crops has only grown over the years and needs a serious update. The new environments that have been shown in the trailers give us a hopeful look at what should be a bunch of brand new crops to earn some serious points no matter what the season.

7 Don’t Want: Stale Content

On the other end of the spectrum lies the pattern Harvest Moon has gotten themselves into before, making some minor changes and putting some new makeup on the same game. While the promo’s and gameplay footage seem to point to big changes in One World, we’ve been tricked by marketing before.

This means some new tasks that add some depth to the world, letting players explore more and travel farther than they’ve gone before. The game is so concentrated on the farm that adding some new adventures could add a breath of fresh air, every small town kid needs some excitement at some point.

6 Want: Cozy Mood

At the heart of the entire genre is a relaxing energy that lets players relax while they get immersed in a world that isn’t constant drama like so many other titles. Leaning into this vibe is how every successful series rose to power, taking a left turn from the rest of the gaming community and offering something different.

As many of us know all too well, it’s not that easy to create a mellow spirit. Most miss the relaxing mark and land in the realm of boring, trapping characters in a dull world of repetitive tasks. Keeping the journey exciting without any of the stress is a hard goal but one that Harvest Moon has hit many times before.

5 Don’t Want: Time Limits

From what we know, this has become less of an issue in One World, a relief for players that wanted to explore without limits. In previous games the main cap was the time of day but the first game even had a 3-4 year limit before the game ended.

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Keeping tasks and day times unrestricted will be a major improvement and help people settle in, becoming more immersed with each passing day. On top of all that, building up a massive crop and making a life for your character is a big challenge, one that shouldn’t be cut short after the clock runs out.

4 Want: Better Mechanics

The most important part of any game are the mechanics, controlling how the overall game feels to play. While there aren’t too many complicated controls in the mini games, Super Mario proved that buttery controls can make even the simplest game feel like a dream.

This will be especially important when it comes to the farming, mostly because of how repeated all the controls are. Getting these down to a science will make the job much more fun, instead of being a distracting mess of janky controls.

3 Don’t Want: Short Cuts

Even though expanding the world and adding new regions will require some form of speedy travel, offering a quick skip takes away from the journey and collecting of important items. This includes content jumps that only really matter if players are trying to speed run the game, something almost no one plays Harvest Moon for.

Slowing down and enjoying the story is what the title is all about, getting immersed and really caring about what happens to each side character. It’s very important in the series to develop relationships and build your way up, something that will be slashed if they give in to rushed fans trying to get to the finish line.

2 Want: Nighttime Adventures

One of the most exciting new features is the ability to explore after dark, taking away the curfew that’s been there through the rest of the series. Different animals and seeds will be available at night, opening up new quests for the nocturnal characters to find their way through.

If they do it right, night mode could open up the game in a big way, giving never before seen animals and mounts to unlock instead of being locked into the sunlight. Nocturnal crops could give new rewards, changing the mood while adding a new layer to the main game. Overall it’s an opportunity to double the content and give fans exactly what they’ve been waiting for.

1 Don’t Want: Group Growth

Finding the perfect partner and working on your family is one of the gems about Harvest Moon, eventually getting married and starting a family of your own. However, most of the community seems to stay exactly the same around the character, with side characters frozen in time.

While it might get a little complicated, everyone in the area growing with you definitely makes the ride more interesting. It changes the way people play the game instead of having every option open at all times. Giving the game a little more life is always a good thing, especially when community plays a big role.

Next: 10 Weirdest Things In Harvest Moon (That Make No Sense)


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