Java Weekly, Issue 373

1. Spring and Java

>> Why Namespacing Matters in Public Open Source Repositories []

Simple and yet effective coordinates – preventing dependency confusion attacks using groupId, artifactId, and version!

>> From Monolith to Microservices – Migrating a Persistence Layer []

Breaking the monolith – how to introduce or merge microservices with data boundaries in mind!

>> Testing Quarkus Web Applications: Component & Integration Tests []

Testing different aspects of a Quarkus application: API layer, persistence layer, components, and native image!

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical

>> Simulating Latency with SQL / JDBC []

Evaluating different approaches to simulate and inject latency into query executions!

Also worth reading:

3. Musings

>> Chaos Engineering, Explained []

Building resilient systems – injecting faults into system components to assure reliability!

Also worth reading:

4. Comics

And my favorite Dilberts of the week:

>> Gaming The System []

>> Internal Audit []

>> Sarcasm Or Stupidity []

5. Pick of the Week

This week, we’re having a look the what Datastax has built on top of the already highly used Cassandra database.

Cassandra has been out for a while, and it’s what powers sites with crazy scale – the Facebooks and the Netflixes of the world. If you need scalability and basically no-downtime, you’re definitely looking at Cassandra.

But, the dev story with it can be slow – you couldn’t really prototype quickly with Cassandra. That’s all different now, with the three APIs built on top of the open-source Cassandra – REST, GraphQL, and JSON/Document APIs:

>> The Cassandra Cloud

Oh, and not having the need to operate and scale-out the cluster using the DataStax cloud is pretty cool.

Definitely use their monthly free credits to explore the system.

The post Java Weekly, Issue 373 first appeared on Baeldung.


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