Destiny 2: 10 Pro-Tips To Help You Dominate PVP As A Hunter

Hunters are phenomenal if players can take advantage of the agility, speed, and deception of the class. Gamers that have more experience playing other FPS games will likely enjoy using the Hunter more than the other classes. However, the Hunter is only a viable class if gamers can master effective movement.

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The skill of Hunter mains directly correlates with the ways players slide, dodge, and jump to negotiate the map. Professional players will use the three key types of movement to get from point A to B quickly and cleverly. Players new to Destiny 2, as well as seasoned Hunters, should make sure they are utilizing the below strategies to improve in the Crucible.

10 Strafing And Crouching

All classes should use advanced strafing and crouching tactics to be a more difficult target to hit. Because the strength of Hunters is their dexterity, using strafing and crouching tactics are essential when using the class. The majority of players will strafe side to side in a predictable manner. Players should strafe to the left and right for different periods of time to make it even more difficult for opponents. By throwing in a crouch or two, enemies will have to adjust their aim vertically and horizontally.

9 Arcstrider Dodge

The Arcstrider super can be dominant if players use its abilities correctly. Many new and average players will run straight at enemies and get killed. Arcstriders should be using dodge as often as possible to create a smaller hitbox and challenge the aim of enemies. Destiny 2 gamers should not spam the dodge ability. Instead, players should use the dodge to move toward opponents.

8 Sliding Out Of Cover

Hunters are the most agile class, and players should be taking advantage of sliding, dodging, and jumping while using it. One of the best ways to surprise opponents is to slide into one of the popular lines of sight on the map and take shots with a primary weapon. Players that have a sniper will appear for only a frame or two before being able to get a shot off. To execute the strategy effectively, gamers should always be close enough to cover to disengage.

7 Double Directional Jumping

Players should always be using strafe jump to have the best control while in the air. The strafe jump will allow players to double jump while controlling both direction and momentum. Hunters will not be able to jump as high with the strafe jump, but that is a good thing in competitive PVP. It is common for players to expose themselves by double jumping too high in enemies’ lines of sight. Destiny gamers should use the slide to navigate the map, and the double jump when pressed by enemies.

6 Using Topography And Ceilings

Hunters can use slanted areas of the maps as well as ceilings to increase their movement speed. If Destiny gamers use the Hunter’s double jump and land on the downslope of a hill or a set of stairs, they can jump forward with more momentum. The tactic is great when a Hunter needs to traverse areas of a map quickly. The same effect occurs if a Hunter hits the ceiling of a building. The impact of the character hitting the ceiling of a building will increase forward momentum.

5 Slide Dodge

The dodge is the most effective ability the Hunter has, and Destiny 2 players can combine the dodge and slide to dive in and out of gunfights. For example, players can use the slide tactic above and after firing a shot, dodge back into cover. The method can be used in a variety of scenarios, but it is especially effective in long-range lanes. The Hunter will slide in, take a shot, and dodge away unscathed.

4 Bait And Backwards Slide

Destiny is a movement-based game, and Hunters are the best movement class in the game. The bait occurs when an enemy identifies the location of a player. The player should move toward the enemy to bait them forward. Next, the player can slide backward and rotate 180 degrees to shoot at the enemy while creating space. The enemy pushing forward will likely swap to a shotgun or close-range weapon. Meanwhile, the player sliding backward can use their long range weapon and take out the enemy. Opponents will be caught in an awkward spot where they are using a close-range weapon at medium range.

3 Shotgun Slide And Backwards Dodge

The shotgun slide sounds challenging, but it is incredibly simple in practice. Hunters should slide toward an enemy with their shotgun to narrow the distance and dodge backward immediately after firing their weapon. By performing the tactic, Hunters ensure that they will avoid the follow-up shot from an enemy. Even if the player misses their shot, they can quickly swap to a hand cannon and shoot the opponent from range.

2 Peeking In Third Person

Similar to the Warlock’s rift ability, players can use the dodge to peek at enemy players. Dodging is not as easy to control as other abilities for the purpose of peeking, but it is an effective tactic for a Hunter to use. The best way to peek successfully is to dodge toward a wall or object. The forward dodge will center the aim of the character well enough to identify opponents.

1 Deceptive Dodge

While dodging, Hunters can move both of their thumbsticks to alter the amination and make it more challenging for opponents to identify the direction of the dodge. PC players can use high ADS sensitivity to make the dodge look even more confusing from the perspective of opponents. Hunters should combine all of the Hunter movements with the deceptive dodge, which will make them a nearly impossible target to hit.

NEXT: Destiny 2: 10 Tips For Playing As The Stormcaller Subclass In Crucible


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