Destiny 2: Beyond Light’s Deep Stone Crypt Raid continues the trend of raid weekly raid challenges that rotate throughout the various encounters in the Raid. The Copies of Copies Raid Challenge in Destiny 2 takes place during the Atraks-1 Raid encounter. Guardians will need to coordinate as a team to successfully complete this challenge.
Completing the Copies of Copies Raid Challenge will award Guardians with an extra loot drop at the end of the encounter, on top of the normal loot drop from completing the encounter. The Copies of Copies Raid Challenge is easiest when Guardians aim to one-phase Atraks-1. The Copies of Copies Raid Challenge can be completed without one-phasing the Atraks-1 boss; however, it becomes more challenging to deal with the longer the fight continues.
Guardians will need to keep and juggle the Replication debuff that falls off Atraks-1 after Guardians do damage. Usually, Guardians that pick up the Replication debuff would make their way towards an airlock chamber and have the debuff shot off into space. For the Copies of Copies Challenge in the Deep Stone Crypt Raid, Guardians need to keep these debuffs for the duration of the encounter and not have these debuffs shot off into space.

Players should start with four Guardians going up into space and two Guardians staying downstairs. The four Guardians up in space will need to have a Scanner and an Operator, the other two Guardians will be rotating between the upper and lower levels, focused on DPS on Atraks-1, and should be clearing adds to allow the Scanner and Operator to do their jobs with minimal interference. The two Guardians on the lower level will assume the Operator and Scanner roles. The Operator will need to shoot the Replication debuff off any Guardians holding it before the timer in the bottom left reaches zero. The Replication debuff may be shot off anywhere on the map that is not the usual airlock, the Guardian who was originally holding the Replication debuff will have to pick it back up to reset the timer.
After the first damage phase up in space, the Scanner will grab the Replication debuff and send the Scanner buff downstairs as normal. The two DPS Guardians should make their way downstairs now help the Scanner and Operator on the lower level at this time, repeating the damage phase downstairs. The Guardian who grabs the Replication debuff from downstairs will have to make their way up into space and stay there, entering the rotation of having the Operator shoot the Replication debuff off them so they can reset their timer. If the Guardian’s timer reaches zero while holding the Replication debuff, all Guardians will die in the Deep Stone Crypt Raid.
Guardians will want to keep this rotation with Guardians holding the Replication debuff staying upstairs. Once Guardians reach the Last Stand mechanic of Atraks-1, they will only have to finish him off as normal and claim their rewards from completing the Atraks-1 encounter and the Weekly Raid Challenge, Copies of Copies.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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