Skyrim is one of the few video games whose popularity has lasted 10 years, as even after a decade, gamers are still returning to combat hungry wolves, mischievous demigods, and a slight case of civil war. As the Dragonborn, players will have a much easier time surviving the harsh environment if they know the Health Potion Recipe.
Players have available to them a myriad of options for regaining Health, from potions and food, to items and spells. In fact, from the onset, all Dragonborns can cast Healing, but this can be slow, endanger the player, and comes at the expense of the player’s available magic, or “Magicka.” Instead, many players find it beneficial to know the recipe for crafting Restore Health potions – one of the best Alchemy recipes in Skyrim – and which ingredients work best.
In Skyrim, potions and poisons are produced by combining two or more ingredients at an Alchemy Lab. There are four potential effects for each ingredient, which can be discovered through experimentation (successfully combining at least two, compatible elements reveals the common effect, or effects), and through consumption. Eating an ingredient reveals its primary effect, so players should take caution, as this includes damage, and negative status effects; players should also note that only the primary effect is revealed through consumption, unless they have chosen the “Experimenter” Perk(s).

Two ingredients that share an effect can be combined into a mixture; those with Restore Health include:
- Wheat
- Blue Mountain Flower
- Blisterwort
- Butterfly Wing
- Blue Dartwing
- Imp Stool
- Charred Skeever Hide
- Rock Warbler Egg
- Swamp Fungal Pod
- Eye of Sabre Cat
- Daedra Heart
- Ash Hopper Jelly (Dragonborn)
- Felsaad Tern Feathers (Dragonborn)
Combining any of the listed ingredients at an Alchemy Lab will result in a Restore Health potion, which can be consumed to immediately regain a number of health points, dependent upon the strength of the mixture. However, because it’s possible to craft Restore Health potions that also cause damage to the player, it’s advisable for players to take note of any additional effects that may be shared between ingredients. For example, combining a Butterfly Wing with a Daedra Heart (one of the rarest Alchemy ingredients in Skyrim) results in a potion that restores Health and damages Magicka.
Players can mix more potent potions by increasing their Alchemy Skill level, selecting Alchemy Perks, and equipping items with the Fortify Alchemy enchantment. Ingredients and Labs are ubiquitous throughout the game, so becoming a master of Alchemy in Skyrim is simple, practical, and highly recommended.
Skyrim is available now for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.
Source: The Elder Scrolls Wiki

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