Inspired by the latest Justice League trailer, a fan-created two-minute video imagines a universe where Zack Snyder directed The Avengers. The clip mimics the DCEU filmmaker’s style while incorporating footage from Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame.
Snyder developed a passionate fan base following his 2006 fantasy war-film 300 and 2009’s Watchmen. The director then teamed up with Warner Bros. to kick-start the DCEU. He made Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and notably walked away from Justice League mid-production to be with his family. Unlike the MCU, Snyder’s films were dark and had little-to-no humor in them.
YouTuber “Gugga Leunnam” perfectly mined the look and feel of a typical Snyder film in a video titled “Zack Snyder’s Avengers,” using monochromatic and muted tones. The edit features the same dramatic score featured in the Justice League trailer and action sequences from the latest MCU films. It provides a perfect glimpse of what a Snyder version of the Avengers would look like, which probably would not have been as colorful as the real Marvel Studios version, considering the filmmaker’s common style.
Snyder has candidly spoken about Marvel in the past. Last summer, he told TheFilmJunkee that he thinks MCU’s single continuity format will never work in the DCEU. “I think that Marvel, they’ve built [their universe] over a long period of time, so by the time they got to their later movies, everything had kinda locked in, and it was all sort of moving in the same direction,” said Snyder. “But that was just never going to happen [with DC] because the DC TV shows were so popular and because their animated shows were so popular.”
The filmmaker recently stated Warner Bros. “no interest or appetite” in his Justice League 2 and doesn’t plan on making more DC films after the Snyder Cut, though the black and white version of his Justice League, Justice Is Gray, is going to be released. This came after DC Films president Walter Hamada confirmed that Snyder wasn’t part of the franchise’s future. Warner Bros. has invested over $70 million to let Snyder finish his version of Justice League.
Meanwhile, the MCU continues with many of its main Avengers characters, including Iron Man and Captain America, having retired or died after Endgame. However, fans are speculating that Marvel Studios is laying the groundwork for the Young Avengers to form in future films.
The Avengers films are now available on Disney Plus.
Source: Gugga Leunnam|YouTube

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