Smite: A Complete Guide To King Arthur’s Skills | Game Rant

How many MOBAs let players be the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Still, it’s not just cool costumes that Smite has to offer. There are over 110 playable gods in the game which offer an incredible variety compared to others in the genre.

RELATED: Smite: 5 Gods To Try Before Cthulhu (& 5 To Skip)

With Season 8 of the game making it more exciting than ever, a lot of players are giving it a try. King Arthur is a tempting god to choose first for players as many are familiar with his classic tale. He has some interesting skills to work with that make him a strong warrior on the battlefield.

One of the most important parts of using King Arthur is understanding how his passive works. Here are the basics:

  • Each ability that damages a god results in a stack of Steadfast, reducing damage taken and increasing energy gain. Each time King Arthur uses an ability he swaps between his Standard and Combo Abilities. All abilities are Instant Cast. Attack Speed and Item Passives do not benefit his Basic Attacks. Attack Speed increases his energy gain.

All of King Arthur’s other main skills are all majorly affected by Steadfast. Players need to keep in mind if their next ability will be the standard version or the combo version as it heavily affects how the battle plays out. Players also need to keep it in mind so they understand how their attacks are combining together.

Overhead Slash is part of King Arthur’s bread and butter combo in the game. Here is how it works:

  • Standard: King Arthur deals a devastating overhead blow in Melee range that creates a slashing attack that travels forwards. Enemies hit by the Melee strike take bonus damage from the Slicing attack.
  • Combo: King Arthur swipes low, crippling and damaging enemies that are struck.

The standard version of this ability tends to be the stronger one, so players will likely want to use one of their other abilities before using it once they can. It works particularly well in combination with the Uppercut move in his second ability, so try using Uppercut first, then Overhead Slash.

Uppercut tends to be the better option of the two abilities, but Battle Stomp does have its uses. Here’s how this ability works:

  • Standard: King Arthur stomps on the ground with heavy force, causing enemies around him to take damage and become slowed.
  • Combo: King Arthur charges forward, stopping on first god hit. At the end of the charge King Arthur unleashes an uppercut, knocking up enemies into the air.

The Uppercut knocking enemies into the air often tend to work well with other gods as it gives them a chance to add onto the damage with their own combinations of attacks. Still, if players simply need to slow down opponents that are trying to retreat so they won’t die, Battle Stomp can help finish the job so teammates can keep chasing them down.

Players will find themselves using Cleave over Bladestorm most of the time. Here’s how this ability works:

  • Standard: King Arthur unleashes two cleave attacks while charging forward. Enemies hit by a cleave take damage and have their protections reduced.
  • Combo: King Arthur swings Excalibur around him, charging forward and damaging enemies 5 times before winding up a final strike that deals more damage. King Arthur is immune to Knockup for the duration.

The standard version of this ability is the one players use most often because it’s good for clearing waves of enemies. It’s Twin Cleave’s primary use and sets up perfectly to go into the Uppercut/Overhead Slash combo that is particularly strong with this god.

King Arthur’s ultimate changes depending on how much energy is built up. Players can tell if they’ve hit the 35 or 80 energy thresholds by what color Excalibur glows. Here’s how his ultimate works:

  • 35 Energy: King Arthur winds up a massive jab, charging forwards slightly before striking. Enemies hit by this jab are stunned for 1s.
  • 80 Energy: King Arthur charges forward with Excalibur drawn. If King Arthur hits an enemy god, he launches them into the air and unleashes a barrage of 6 attacks, after which he launches them back to the ground dealing damage to the target and any enemy below.

While the stronger version is quite a devastating attack, when used properly, the earlier version is still very useful. The stun it provides can allow players to go into a full combo of Twin Cleave, Uppercut, then Overhead Slash which can absolutely decimate enemy gods.

But for those who want to be the ultimate ADC player, it’s important to focus on the stronger version. It can manage to take out 50% of a god’s HP with a single attack when fully maxed out. Needless to say, that is a jaw-dropping amount that can change the tide of battle instantly if it lands. If a key god on the opposing team has to retreat before the real battle begins, it’s a win for King Arthur’s team.

NEXT: 10 Bad Habits New Players Create When Starting Smite (& How To Avoid Them)


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