Back in 2013, Super Mario 3D World released on the Wii U and was critically acclaimed. Eight years later, the game was brought to the Switch, along with a new game in the franchise, Bowser’s Fury. These two titles are quite different, with Super Mario 3D World being more similar to the Super Mario Galaxy games while Bowser’s Fury takes a lot of inspiration from Super Mario Odyssey.
Comparing this new release to the other installments in the series, there are many ways that this game is the best. However, not everything about it is superior to the other Super Mario games. Here are it’s strengths and weaknesses.
10 It’s The Best: A Great Mix Between 2D And 3D

Despite being called Super Mario 3D World, this game also has a lot in common with the 2D Mario games such as the New Super Mario Bros. titles. There are some levels that can be viewed through many different angles, similar to the camera in the 3D games, though there are other levels that mostly show the characters moving left or right, in a 2D environment. Also like the 2D games, the main goal of each level is to get to the flag at the end of the stage. Because of the different elements that it has, Super Mario 3D World is a great mix between the two types of platformers fans enjoy.
9 It’s Not: There Isn’t Much Of A Story

Though the Super Mario games don’t have much of a plot, there are some with better storylines than others. In Super Mario Sunshine, Mario went on a vacation with Princess Peach to Isle Delfino. There, he was believed to be a criminal and went on an adventure to clear his name and stop Bowser Jr. In Super Mario Odyssey, Mario teamed up with Cappy to travel around the world and crash Bowser’s wedding. Though the story doesn’t really matter in these games, they add to the charm. Sadly, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury barely has a plot.
8 It’s The Best: The Playable Characters

In many Super Mario games, the titular character is the only playable one. However, Nintendo’s superstar isn’t the only playable character. In Super Mario 3D World, he is joined by Luigi, Toad, and Princess Peach. Players can control them from the very beginning of the game, giving them as much as spotlight as Mario himself.
Due to the game having multiplayer, these characters can even work together. In some levels, players can also control Captain Toad. Later on in the title, Rosalina can be unlocked. As for Bowser’s Fury, two players can team up with one controlling Mario while the other plays as Bowser Jr.
7 It’s Not: The Bosses Don’t Provide A Challenge

The Super Mario games can be enjoyed by anyone. Whether they are playing a video game for the first time or are a hardcore gamer, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury will surely be fun for all. However, as games progress, they usually provide more of a challenge so the players don’t get bored. While the actual stages do a great job at this, the bosses are easy to beat. There may be one or two that some have a tough time with, but for the most part, these fights lacked in difficulty.
6 It’s The Best: The Closest Thing To An Open World Mario Game

For the past few years, fans of the franchise have wondered what it would be like if an open world game was made. Though the world isn’t as big as the settings of games such as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Horizon Zero Dawn, or Red Dead Redemption 2, Bowser’s Fury does have a pretty big environment for fans to explore. The setting of this game is basically a big version of the kingdoms in Super Mario Odyssey. This hopefully means that Nintendo has been listening to what the fans want and the next major release in the series will take place in an open world.
5 It’s Not: The Worlds Aren’t Memorable

While Bowser’s Fury has a memorable and (possibly) revolutionary setting, the world of Super Mario 3D World is quite generic. It has a lot in common with the New Super Mario Bros. games, which tend to be the same in every installment with only the actual stages being different.
Even so, the courses in Super Mario 3D World are forgettable compared to places like Bob-Omb Battlefield from Super Mario 64 and any of the kingdoms in Super Mario Odyssey.
4 It’s The Best: Playing With Plessie

In some of Super Mario 3D World‘s levels, Mario, Peach, and the other playable characters ride on a dinosaur named Plessie. These levels are really fun and allow the players to speed through them. Plessie also appeared in Bowser’s Fury to allow Mario to travel around the world in seconds. There are some Cat Shrines that players can only get by using Plessie, requiring players to go from one area of the world to another in a short period of time. Plessie’s inclusion in these titles make them even better.
3 It’s Not: The Music Is Repetitive

Like the other games, Super Mario 3D World‘s soundtrack is fun to listen to and can make the experience more enjoyable. However, a lot of the songs in this title sound the same, with only a few changes being made. Even the best songs feel repetitive after listening to the third version of the same composition. The new songs that do sound completely different aren’t heard for long as they are only within specific levels, which can be slightly disappointing if there is one piece that players particularly enjoy.
2 It’s The Best: The Impact It Made On Other Games

Despite the few flaws it has, Super Mario 3D World is one of the most important games in the series. As mentioned earlier, this is a rerelease of the 2013 Wii U game. In 2014, a game inspired by the Captain Toad levels released. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is a puzzle game that has released on the Wii U, 3DS, and Switch. Super Mario Maker 2 also has a theme inspired by Super Mario 3D World, allowing players to make their own levels in the game’s style. Now that the game is being played by newcomers, maybe Nintendo will be even more inspired by it.
1 It’s Not: Everything Needed To 100% The Game

Many Super Mario games give players a lot to do upon beating them. As not every star was needed to defeat Bowser and save Peach, players can collect all the ones that they didn’t in Super Mario 64. After the credits roll in Super Mario Odyssey, there are hundreds of Power Moons to get. While the content after beating these games can be fun, what is needed to fully finish Super Mario 3D World is not. From having to play as every character to completing Champion’s Road, the last and hardest level in the game, few fans have done everything this title has to offer, giving up before they can. Only the most dedicated players have gotten to the point where there is no more they can do.

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