The cuirass is arguably the single most important piece of protection in a hero’s arsenal. Staying alive is often half the battle in the world of The Elder Scrolls. But for a hero like the Dragonborn or the Champion of Cyrodiil, not any old breastplate will suffice.
Scattered amongst the myriad types of common armor exists a handful of truly remarkable artifacts. For a warrior who enjoys donning a trusty cuirass, these mythical pieces of armor can be quite a boon. For players, the trick is knowing where and how to find them. If they manage to survive, of course.
10 Savior’s Hide

Also known as the Scourge of the Oath-breaker, Savior’s Hide is a Daedric artifact associated with Hircine. The cuirass has been an Elder Scrolls staple for years. Its first appearance was in An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire, which released in 1997.
Legend holds that the Savior’s Hide was crafted by Hircine himself. It was supposedly given as a reward to the first mortal who managed to escape the Prince’s dreaded Hunting Grounds. Other stories maintain the Hide itself is made from the skin of a werewolf. Its main function from the very beginning has been to grant the wearer a degree of magical protection from hostile spells.
9 Cuirass Of The Crusader

The Cuirass of the Crusader is a holy relic believed to have been made by the Nine Divines themselves. Like all artifacts associated with the Divine Crusader, the cuirass originally belonged to Pelinal Whitestrake. Spirits belonging to the Knights of the Nine guard the cuirass from undeserving souls looking to claim it.
In The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine the armor bestows a resistance to magic. It appears as Creation Club content in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, where it grants extra protection from undead enemies. In addition, the cuirass also fortifies the wearer’s Health and reduces the cost of Restoration spells.
8 Deathbrand’s Armor

Haknir Death-Brand was a tyrannical and widely feared pirate captain from ancient days. His eponymous name, Death-Brand, was attributed to a large scar that ran across his face. Some storytellers claim the disfigurement was due to a pact he made with Mehrunes Dagon. When the infamous villain died, his armor was scattered across various locations throughout Solstheim.
Deathbrand’s Cuirass, like other pieces of the set, is made from Stalhrim. The breastplate fortifies the Stamina attribute by 15 points for each piece of the set that gets equipped. It can be found north of the Earth Stone inside a locked chest. The necessary treasure map is needed to locate it.
7 Madness Armor

The Shivering Isles is home to a wide variety of unique weapons and artifacts. It is, after all, not part of the mortal plane of existence. One particularly strange material that may be gathered is madness ore. If enough of it is collected and the necessary schematics are found, then the blacksmith in Crucible will be able to craft a set of armor for the player.
Although quite heavy, a Madness Cuirass offers a great deal of protection. It also buffs the Strength attribute to offset its potentially crippling weight. Nevertheless, for those that can bear it, Madness Armor is amazingly effective. Aesthetically, it’s an intimidating sight to behold on the battlefield.
6 Amber Armor

Amber Armor is the antithesis to its counterpart in Dementia. Whereas Madness Armor is incredibly heavy, Amber is unusually light. When enough amber ore is collected in the land of Mania, a cuirass may be crafted by the blacksmith in Bliss, along with the rest of the set, in the Shivering Isles DLC for ES:IV.
The Amber Cuirass, due to its classification as light armor, fortifies the Agility attribute. It’s also worth pointing out that both the Madness and Amber armor sets can be acquired in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim as well. They’re part of the Saints and Seducers Creation Club content pack.
5 Ebony Mail

To the untrained eye, this piece of armor looks like an ordinary, ebony breastplate. However, the truth is the Ebony Mail is actually a Daedric artifact that belongs to Boethiah, the Prince of Plots. The armor is said to predate recorded history. Boethiah alone decides which of her champions is worthy enough to don the Mail.
It has appeared in every main entry in the series with the exception of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. In most titles, the armor grants a resistance to fire as well as extra protection from physical attacks. The version seen in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim changes things a bit. It serves to make the wearer more sneaky and poisons enemies that get too close.
4 Ahzidal’s Armor Of Retribution

Ahzidal was a master enchanter from Tamriel’s ancient history. The sum of his knowledge concerning the arcane arts was believed to be extraordinary. Unfortunately, his lust for ever greater learning drove him to the depths of insanity. His resting place is Kolbjorn Barrow on the island of Solstheim. Few are willing to dare disturb his sleep.
The legendary fiend’s armor can be found if the Dragonborn raids his burial site during the “Unearthed” quest. When the armor is equipped every enemy that strikes the player has a chance of becoming paralyzed. If the rest of Ahzidal’s armor set is equipped the Dragonborn’s Enchanting skill is increased by 10 points as well.
3 Imperial Dragon Armor

At the conclusion of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion‘s main quest the Hero of Kvatch has literally saved the world. He’s even given a new moniker: the “Champion of Cyrodiil.” What is a suitable reward for such a feat? It’s a suit of armor, naturally. This one-of-a-kind Imperial Dragon Armor is made specifically for the hero who saved Tamriel.
The cuirass, along with the rest of the set, can come in either a heavy or light version. Regardless, the breastplate contains a Resist Magic enchantment, which is useful when combating the many creatures and mages of Cyrodiil. The whole set provides even more magical protection if worn together.
2 Lord’s Mail

The Lord’s Mail is a heavy armor cuirass forged by Kynareth herself. Depending on the game, its appearance takes the form of either mithril or ebony. Its original owner was believed to be Morihaus, an ancient demigod and hero to the Imperials. Due to its sacred nature, Kynareth holds the right to either bestow or take away the Lord’s Mail to any individual.
With the exception of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion the Lord’s Mail has appeared in every main game of the series. The Mail’s main feature involves absorbing the health of the wearer’s enemies when they step within melee range. Historically, the breastplate has also granted resistances to magic and poisons.
1 Armor Of Tiber Septim

Tiber Septim, or Talos, is an incredibly important deity for humankind. He is the founder of the Third Empire and the Septim dynasty of emperors. Once a mortal man, Tiber Septim is believed to have ascended to godhood after his death. His armor, therefore, holds a special significance for the people of Tamriel.
In The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion the cuirass is located within the bowels of Sancre Tor. One of Tiber Septim’s descendants, Martin, requires the mythical hero’s blood in order to open a mortal into Mankar Cameron’s Paradise. The main quest can’t be completed until the armor is given to Martin. Nevertheless, it’s still fun to try the armor on and pretend to be a god for a while.

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