Crazy Little Nightmares 2 Fan Theories (That Could Actually Be True)

Little Nightmares 2, just as its predecessor, has a meaningful background plot. Based on only the story, it’s different from the first, but the world it’s set in seems to be the same, and the protagonist’s companion is the first game’s main character.

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If players just scrape the surface of the game, they’ll find a lot of easter eggs and unanswered questions, and both entries in the series are left open for interpretation by the creators. In fact, no one story has ever been confirmed as the “original” plot. Because of this, fans have created some wild theories about the message and goal of the game.


8 Is Little Nightmares 2 A Prequel?

One major question the creators didn’t address is: is Little Nightmares 2 a prequel? The only hint Tarsier Studios provided came from the senior narrative designer of the game: “What you learn in Little Nightmares 2 will indirectly explain to you…what kind of a world can create something so terrible.” (Referring to The Maw). This can either mean that players can connect the dots by recognizing a prequel, or it can mean that it contains flashbacks and easter eggs from the first game, but players can’t be sure.

Regarding the characters in the second game, Six is way less self-confident and independent in the second game, and what’s more important: she’s not wearing her coat. She only finds the yellow coat later in Little Nightmares 2, hinting, that chronologically it takes place before The Maw. Also, the raging hunger in Six appears only in the secret ending of the second game, therefore fans believe that this is where her chronic hunger sets in.

Another detail in the second game is the boxes and ads in the second game, implying that the boat is not yet on the water. If that’s not enough, more observant players might have noticed that one of the first scenes in the original – one that caught the attention of everyone – can be directly connected with the end of the second game. The hanging man in the first game, the chair under him, and the door he’s hanging in front of is almost a picture-perfect view of the last scene of Mono sitting in a chair as the Thin Man in the second game.

7 Or Is It A Sequel?

People can also argue that the second game is a sequel. Though this theory has fewer followers based on the evidence and the fact that the creators are much more playful with the narrative, it still has a few points that make fans think for a second. Six could’ve easily lost her coat and found it again in the second game, and she could be traumatized by all she had to live through in the first game. Regarding her powers that she gained in the first game and lacks in the second, some fans think that because she is genuinely good inside, she could be suppressing it as a way of hiding her dark side.

Although this is far more unlikely because of the logical structure of the two games, it’s interesting to think what this being a sequel could mean. Considering that Mono became the Thin Man and is stuck in a loop as the pro, and antagonist of this horrifying world, based on Six’s ending, she could return to The Maw and become The Lady, this being her own paradox.

6 Thin Man

The Thin Man is Mono grown up, that’s clearly shown in the game. But what is his exact purpose in the plot? In one scene, players can see that the only residents of the tower are the Thin Man and The Eye. One way or another, these two are working together, but it’s unclear why, or how they do.

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Another important question, is the Thin Man good, or bad? Mono has a dark side embodied by the Thin Man, and maybe his motivations are to keep the loop going and help The Eye. But if Mono’s good side is alive in him somewhere, the Thin Man’s goal could be unsuccessfully preventing the ending, still fighting against The Eye.

5 When And Where Are We?

The area and era the game takes place in are unclear (if it’s even based on an actual time and place), but it has its own theories. One of these is Japan during or after World War II. The first and second game without a question takes place in the same universe. The Lady is a geisha, the rooms in the restaurant have a Japanese structure and style, and the photos and newspaper pieces closely resemble the WW2 time period. In the second game, the architecture, classroom, outfits, and TVs all represent the ’40-60s eras.

The children, shoes, torture, deaths, and presence of gluttony all resemble the cruel times of WWII. The eye symbol could also represent WWII watchtowers in concentration camps and the antisemitic crimes committed against Jewish people.

4 The Ending (Theory 1)

One fairly obvious answer to the betrayal of Six is that she figured out that Mono is the Thin Man, and she thought she could prevent this from happening by letting Mono die. Little did she know, this exact action is what set the entire plot in motion.

RELATED: Little Nightmares 2 Ending Explained

This is a well-known theory with a lot of followers, but bigger fans are dismissing this because it would be too easy for the story, and the creators of these games don’t write so obviously.

3 The Ending (Theory 2)

The other two most popular theories about this action are based on Six’s chronic hunger. The first of these theories is that Six realizes that something is wrong with her, and not wanting to hurt her friend, she instead lets him fall to his death.

Unbeknownst to Six, this was a horrible mistake that led to all the dominos falling once again. Maybe she realized that she cannot win, and didn’t want to live with herself if she hurt Mono, especially if she already lived the trauma of eating the Nome and The Lady. If it’s a prequel, this could be the start of the chronic hunger, as she was hungry quite often in the first game, and that wasn’t present in the second.

2 The Ending (Theory 3)

The second of the hunger-related theories is a little more complex, therefore, a fan favorite. The Eye has its own theories, one of which is that it controls everything and craves horrible things. Mono and Six are fighting against this horrifying reality, and The Eye is threatened by this, wanting to bring the worst out of both characters (it creates Thin Man from Mono and the chronic hunger of Six).

Maybe both of these characters knew of the motivations of The Eye, and about the rising hunger in Six (this is speculated because of the long, understanding pause before Six lets go of Mono). They put the pieces together and Six made the decision to deal with the consequences alone, not knowing the truth behind the Thin Man. Of course, this theory has its weaknesses, but it’s complicated enough to intrigue even the biggest fans.

1 The Eye

The Eye appears to be the number-one leader of the Little Nightmares universe. Its motivations are twofold: keep everyone ignorant, spread darkness, and stop everything that stands in the way. Theories also say that it created the Thin Man and Six’s chronic hunger as a way to sabotage Mono and Six and make them a part of its plan. There are also theories that the same way that Mono is Thin Man, Six is The Lady, but this has no evidence.

The part it plays in the second game could seem passive, but players know that The Eye has to be very intelligent. It wants to maintain the Thin Man and Six’s dark side. To ensure that the loop stays a loop, it needs to separate the children, keeping a hold on Six, so she betrays Mono, ultimately creating the grim Thin Man.

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