Destiny 2 has introduced Season 13, Season of the Chosen, and with it, some major changes to the core experience. One of the big changes Destiny 2 has made with Season of the Chosen is the removal of Weekly Bounties for the Crucible and Vanguard, replaced instead with new Seasonal Challenges. Similarly to other live service games, Seasonal Challenges add new objectives for players to complete each week, netting them some exclusive rewards and bonuses in the process.
The first week of Destiny 2‘s Seasonal Challenges focus primarily on the main storyline for the season, the return of the Cabal. Players will be taught how to participate in the new Battlegrounds matches, and how Cabal Gold and the Hammer of Proving work. They will also be challenged to complete Crucible and Gambit matches as well as specific Strikes, where the goal is to kill as many Fallen enemies as possible. Those who didn’t play Destiny 2 Season 13 during Week 1 can still complete these challenges, though they will need to wait for Bungie to bring back the Mayhem playlist. Dedicated Destiny 2 players should make an effort to complete each set of challenges each week to avoid issues like that in future and to be on the safe side.
Here is how to complete all of the Destiny 2 Seasonal Challenges for Week 1.

Objective: Report to the War Table in the H.E.L.M. and complete the “Challenger’s Proving” quest. Then defeat 75 Cabal with Rocket Launchers anywhere in the system.
When Destiny 2 players first get started with Season of the Chosen, they will be able to complete their first Battlegrounds mission and be taught how this new feature works. They will end up in the HELM at the Tower and will be walked through how to do things like smash Tribute Chests, charge the Hammer of Proving, and more. Simply follow the steps outlined in the quest and the Challenger’s Proving quest should be finished in a relatively short amount of time.
The Challenger’s Proving quest will have players completing Battleground missions, and so while they do that, they should make it a point to use Rocket Launchers to kill Cabal enemies. 75 Cabal must be killed with Rocket Launchers in total, though it should be noted the Cabal can be killed anywhere in the game, not just Battlegrounds. So if players end up in Strikes with Cabal, they should keep a Rocket Launcher handy.
Objective: Acquire Cabal Gold by playing strikes, Gambit, Crucible, public events, and more.
In Destiny 2 Season 13, Guardians will occasionally be rewarded with Cabal Gold for completing in-game activities. They need to acquire 100 pieces of Cabal Gold to complete this particular seasonal challenge, but it should happen naturally by playing the game.

Objective: Smash 5 Tribute Chests and focus 5 Season of the Chosen Engrams using Charges from the Hammer of Proving.
While completing the Challenger’s Proving quest, Destiny 2 players will get their hands on the Hammer of Proving. The Hammer of Proving is accessed in the Quests tab, and players are able to load it with a mod using their previously acquired Cabal Gold. It takes 14 Cabal Gold to load the Hammer of Proving. With a loaded hammer, players can then complete a Battleground and at the end of it, they will be given the option to smash one of the extra Tribute Chests that appears.
Players will need to do this five times to satisfy that part of the challenge, and then they will need to focus five Umbral Engrams. This is done in the HELM, with players using charges that they get from completing Battlegrounds to focus them. Only the focusing that requires a hammer charge counts for this challenge, so basically the two options on the far right-hand side of the screen.
Objective: Participate in the Battlegrounds playlist to unlock your first lens.
While it’s possible to get a lens from the Battlegrounds playlist, players can actually unlock this item doing other stuff in the game as well, like Strikes. There doesn’t seem to be a way to force one to drop, so Destiny 2 players should keep participating in all the available activities until they get lucky.
Objective: Complete three weekly playlist challenges.
In Destiny 2, players can spot Weekly Challenges by hovering their cursor over each playlist. There is a weekly challenge for most of the playlists in the game, usually for completing Gambit matches, completing Crucible matches, winning Elimination rounds in the Crucible, and completing Strikes using that week’s featured class type (Solar, Void, Arc, or Stasis). Players can get a lot of great gear from completing these Weekly Challenges, so they should be doing them anyway, but this way they will be able to get those while also completing their Seasonal Challenges as well.
Objective: On Europa, earn progress by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.
For this objective, players need to complete activities on Europa doing patrols, public events, Lost Sectors, and bounties. So the first thing players will want to do is head to Variks on Europa and talk to him to get some bounties. Then work on the bounties while completing patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors. After 10 bounties have been completed and enough activities have been done, this objective will be complete.

Objective: Calibrate Kinetic weapons on Europa. Earn bonus progress in Lost Sectors.
While Destiny 2 players work on completing the Icebound seasonal challenge, they can also work on this one as well. Basically, players need to use Kinetic weapons while exploring Europa, and they will get bonus points if they use the Kinetic weapons in Lost Sectors. It’s quite possible that players will complete this objective on accident while trying to complete the other tasks, but if not, travel to Europa and head to some Lost Sectors.
Objective: Complete Gambit matches. Earn bonus progress for wins.
This challenge is self-explanatory. Players will get credit for completing Gambit matches and they will get more points toward completing this objective by winning the Gambit matches.
Objective: Defeat 50 Guardians in the Mayhem playlist with Super abilities.
Bungie cycles different Crucible playlists in and out of Destiny 2. For Week 1, Mayhem was the active playlist, but it was cycled out for Showdown in Week 2. It’s quite likely that Mayhem will make its way back into the game before Season 13 is over, so for those that have yet to complete this one, Mayhem is a mode where Supers are constantly recharging. Then the trick is to just spam Super attacks at opponents. It’s chaotic and may take a few matches, especially for those who aren’t that big into the Crucible to begin with, but players should be able to complete it with enough repetition – and assuming Bungie brings the necessary playlist back, that is.
Objective: Defeat Fallen combatants in strikes. Earn bonus progress for defeating tougher combatants.
Destiny 2 players need to kill a whopping 200 Fallen combatants in Strikes in order to complete this objective. Luckily, Season 13 has given them a few more options that they didn’t have previously. The Fallen Strikes in Destiny 2 are as follows:
- Exodus Crash (Nessus)
- Devil’s Lair (Cosmodrome)
- Fallen SABER (Cosmodrome)
Destiny 2 has temporarily removed the Fallen SABER Strike from the game, but once it returns, it will be the third option available for players to complete this challenge. If Destiny 2 players are lucky, they may wind up in Fallen Strikes while going for the weekly playlist challenges.
Destiny 2 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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