Mass Effect Trilogy: All Biotic Squad Members, Ranked | Game Rant

The world of Mass Effect is filled to the brim with many potential squadmates. Some of which have special gifts known as biotics. Moreover, there is a whole range of powers out there that these unique individuals can use. Some can be true game changers while others may leave Shepard questioning why certain people bother to have biotic capabilities. Such abilities include slam, reave, throw, pull, and shockwave.

Related: Every Mass Effect 2 Squad Member, Ranked

Across the Mass Effect trilogy, there are many comrades that use biotics. However, which ones deserve to fight at the Commander’s side, and who should be left aboard the Normandy.

10 Jacob Taylor

Jacob Taylor is part of Mass Effect 2, which arguably has the best squad members of the entire series. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Taylor has fallen short here, given Miranda Lawson, Jack and Samara are much better choices. Never mind the likes of Liara T’Soni. Part of Jacob’s issue is that his abilities are somewhat lackluster, whereas other members of this list have great powers that can turn the tide of battle. For example, his primary biotic ability is pull, and this is not going to win many fights. Unfortunately, Jacob is outshined both as a biotic and as a person.

9 Kaiden Alenko

Alenko has many problems, one of which is that in both Mass Effect and Mass Effect 3 he is a squad member alongside fan-favorite Liara T’Soni. Not only is she more popular than Kaiden, but she is more useful in a fight too. What’s more, his L2 implants cause him pain. So, not only is Kaiden highly replaceable, but he is in pain also. Admittedly, he has several abilities on offer in Mass Effect. However, by the time Mass Effect 3 rolls around, he has few powers, most of which, such as barrier, are no game-changer. Alenko could be put to better use elsewhere, perhaps at a facility on Virmire.

8 Morinth

Being an Ardat Yakshi and Samara’s daughter, it would be fair to assume that Morinth would be a powerful biotic. Yet, she does leave much to be desired. Honestly, there really isn’t much that she offers that cannot be found elsewhere. Shepard has a choice; in order to get Morinth, they lose Samara. In no way is that beneficial. There are multiple reasons to side with the Justicar, one of which being that she does have better powers on offer than her daughter. Furthermore, the woman lacks much of a personality. However, should she be aboard the Normandy, it is interesting to hear what changes the crew has noticed in ‘Samara’.

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7 Javik

As a Prothean, one would expect Javik to be a devastatingly powerful biotic, and he is, to a certain degree. He has an ability known as dark channel, which is akin to a poisoning effect as health is constantly chipped at for a period of time. However, this might not be the best move to use when facing overwhelming odds. Likewise, he can use slam, which, while capable of great damage, will not aid in a full warzone.

6 Thane Krios

Thane Krios is yet another Mass Effect 2 squad member that dabbles in biotics. However, his issue is similar to Jacob’s in that he is on a squad with some very dangerous people. Although the Drell Assassin is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, it is not truly down to his biotic capabilities. The abilities that Thane has are throw and warp, though this can be provided elsewhere. Should Thane be loyal, then he will also be able to use shredder ammo.

5 Samara

As an Asari Justicar, Samara does boast some impressive biotic capabilities. Granted, she is not much use when it comes to firearms, but she cannot be any lower on a list dedicated to biotic prowess. Although she does share a power with Jacobs, pull, she also has throw and reave at her disposal. The latter of which can annihilate the health bar of the enemy. Moreover, she is equipped with both a submachine gun and an assault rifle, meaning she can be quite a formidable opponent. However, while she could prove somewhat useful, she lacks the character that other squadmates have on top of battle prowess.

4 Wrex

It may come as a surprise that the mighty Krogan Wrex is, in fact, a biotic. Naturally, given his species, his biotic capabilities are combined with impressive combat skills. Urdnot Wrex is a tank, in every sense of the word. However, not only will this tank run the enemy down, but it will also throw them around like a rag doll. A Krogan should never be underestimated, much less when they boast impressive biotic powers. The only downside to Wrex is that he is only a primary teammate in Mass Effect.

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Shepard should do all they can to keep this battle-hardened veteran alive on Virmire.

3 Miranda Lawson

The ever-efficient Miss Lawson can prove to be handy when it comes to biotics. Granted, she may not be as powerful as the likes of Jack, but the woman does have good abilities. Should her loyalty be earned, Lawson can use slam which can obliterate the health of most enemies. However, it should be noted that this will not aid against a swarm.

Furthermore, not only does Miranda have good biotic capabilities, but she is also equipped with a pistol and submachine gun. As such, she can cause considerable damage through her firearms and biotic gifts. Moreover, the Cerberus operative can also use overload to give an advantage against mechanical and synthetic foes.

2 Liara T’Soni

This Asari is a worthy companion for many reasons. One of which being her adequacy in combat. Liara has several biotic capabilities. However, perhaps the most notable of which is her singularity power. This allows her to pull the enemy into a void, making them ripe for the taking. Meanwhile, Liara’s stasis power will lock foes in place, making them vulnerable to all attacks. It is gifts such as this that make biotics incredibly powerful.

Given Shepard no longer has Jack, Miranda, or Samara at their disposal, it was a huge relief to see Liara T’Soni rejoin the Normandy as a permanent squad member in Mass Effect 3.

1 Jack

The psychotic biotic earned that name for a reason. Jack is immensely powerful and can be boosted even further through a research upgrade aboard the Normandy. She is the perfect biotic choice for any Shepard that appreciates high offense, with a ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ mentality. As a high offense character, Jack has a powerful combination of abilities that can be paired nicely with other squad members. She also packs a handgun and shotgun, meaning she is dangerous both up close and from a distance.

For example, she has a shockwave ability that is akin to a freight train as storms through enemies. Those that survive are thrown to the floor, just waiting for a shotgun to the face. It is a shame that she is not a squadmate in Mass Effect 3, she was sorely missed aboard the Normandy.

Next: Every Mass Effect Andromeda Squad Member, Ranked


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