Red Dead Online: 10 Things You Need To Do In West Elizabeth

As one of the two potential starting points for players, West Elizabeth serves as a call back to the original game for Red Dead Online players. As a bridge between the open-worlds of Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2, half of West Elizabeth remains locked in single-player for those who haven’t finished the story. For players jumping into Online, however, the entirety of the region is free to explore.

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Featuring the bustling society of Blackwater, the small northern logging town of Strawberry, and tons of recognizable narrative landmarks besides, there’s an abundance of things to see and do in West Elizabeth.

10 Find The Treasure Of Blackbone Forest

Red Dead Online is filled with treasure to find and opportunities to make quick cash, and West Elizabeth is no exception. At level 15, players can travel over to Blackbone Forest, over in the northwest region of West Elizabeth, in hopes of uncovering hidden gold and loot.

There are a total of four treasure chests to discover, and while Blackbone Forest may not be the largest region of the game, it will prove to be no easy task. Using the Eagle Eye ability can make finding the treasure a bit less frustrating.

9 Win The Blackwater Open Race

Open races are one of the different race modes found in Red Dead Online, providing a bit of variety compared to the standard race. Instead of following a set track, players have to speed around town through various checkpoints in no specific order.

There are four other open races set in other major cities found throughout the world of Red Dead Online, though.  With randomized selection, this means that it may take a few matches for the one that takes place in Blackwater to be selected.

8 Defeat The Gang At Quaker’s Cove

One of the most memorable missions of the original Red Dead Redemption was storming the wreck of the Serendipity in hopes of finding Dutch Van der Linde. While the ship isn’t in that sorry state yet during the events of Red Dead Online, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do here.

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In its place is a gang hideout for the player to clear. As with all shootouts, be sure to bring along an arsenal of powerful weapons. Defeating the gang leader will earn the player experience, as well as the possibility of loot in the camp.

7 Find Madam Nazar

With the introduction of the frontier pursuits, players can now gain specific roles in the world of Red Dead Online. One of which is the Collector, who collects items for the NPC Madam Nazar. Unfortunately, Madam Nazar tends to move all over the map.

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While tracking her down can be difficult, she can often be spotted in the West Elizabeth region. She can be found west of Blackwater, west of Wallace Station, and north of Strawberry, among other places.

6 Complete Stranger Missions

Just as in the single-player campaign, characters offering Stranger missions can be found throughout the entire world of Red Dead Online. While they exist everywhere, several are key to West Elizabeth. Station clerk Angus Elliston can be found at Wallace Station, as well as Emerald and Victoria Street Station outside of West Elizabeth, and offers a variety of missions from deliveries to hunting.

Similar to Elliston is Hector Barlow, who can be found at the Blackwater Post Office and Riggs Station within West Elizabeth, and Benedict Point outside of it. Finally, Sean MacGuire of the Van der Linde gang offers missions within the Great Plains region, as well as at Tanner’s ranch. MacGuire’s missions are of the more morally dubious variety:  coach robberies, hold-ups, and the like.

5 Go Hunting

Red Dead Online gives players the freedom to go hunting, just as the single-player mode does. There’s a variety of valuable game to hunt within West Elizabeth alone. The forest of Tall Trees is an ideal hunting location, featuring bears, wolves, and moose, among other creatures. Players can also find bison in the Great Plains and foxes near Strawberry.

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After skinning and looting game, players can sell their pelts for some extra cash. Pelts can be sold to any Butcher in the game. In West Elizabeth, Butchers can be found in both Blackwater and Strawberry, meaning players won’t have to venture too far from prime hunting locations.

4 Win Gun Rush Mode In Tall Trees

Gun Rush is the battle royale mode in Red Dead Online. It’s often more focused on tension, stealth and strategy, making it one of the more memorable battle royales in recent memory. There are many map options for Gun Rush, but Tall Trees stands out since it takes place solely in the wilderness.

In many ways, this makes Tall Trees one of the more difficult maps for the game mode, since there aren’t quite as many buildings to provide cover. Gun Rush isn’t exactly the most action-heavy part of Red Dead Online, so players should be prepared for precision and patience.

3 Complete Honor-Related Missions

Throughout the main story, there are two missions before the finale that takes place in West Elizabeth, both of which depend on the player’s honor. The first, “Where Your Morals Lead You” can only be played if the player has high honor. Horley will tell the player to go see Marshal Davies. Davies then asks the player to lend a hand to take down a group of bandits over in Tall Trees.

On the contrary, the mission “These B******s Can Fight” can only be played if the player has low honor. In this mission, Samson Finch needs the player to help set up a robbery for a future mission.

2 Complete “Destroyed By Grief”

As the final mission of the main story in Red Dead Online, the player is tasked with escorting Jessica LeClerk to a meeting in Blackwater that she’s nervous about. This mission will require a posse of at least two players to complete. As one of the final missions in the story, “Destroyed By Grief” is filled with climactic shootouts and chases.

In this case, there’s no need to worry about having high or low honor; the mission is available regardless of how gamers have played so far.

1 Glitch Out Of The Map And Ride To Mexico

While Mexico isn’t technically accessible in Red Dead Online, players have found a glitch within West Elizabeth that can spawn them outside the map and let them ride down south.

Head over to the Devil’s Cave in the northwest portion of West Elizabeth, and be sure to bring a posse of at least two more players. Launch posse infighting, and go to a specific corner in the cave, which appears in the center of the mini-map. Respawning here will cause the player to spawn outside the map. From here, players can potentially ride down to Mexico, provided that they remain outside the map.

NEXT: Red Dead Online: 10 Tips And Tricks For PvP


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