As expected, the time it takes to complete a video game will vary. Certain genres often attract short games, while others are more likely to contain longer titles. Who made the game is also a factor. While you’d expect some quirky indie games or DLC packs to be short, some larger titles have also been ridiculously limited in length.
We’ve used the ‘How Long To Beat’ website to uncover some of the shortest games available and how long they take to complete. The website shows the time taken to complete the main story, main story plus extras, and to take the completionist route. It also offers an “all styles” average, which is the figure we will be using. The data is based on players’ submissions so more popular games are often more accurate. These PC games will take less than five hours to complete.
Updated February 23, 2021, By Helen Ashcroft: Short games are a great way to enjoy gaming when you don’t have the time to sink into a 40-hour masterpiece. As services like the Xbox Game Pass and PlayStation Now give us easy access to a large range of titles of all lengths and genres, there are more options for quick gaming than ever before. If you just want to experience something new that isn’t going to take over your life for several weeks then short titles are exactly what you need.
The list has been updated to add some more commonly loved short games from different genres that can be played in a day. Each title has a short main story, and while some include completionist content that takes longer, all have an average playtime of fewer than five hours.
15 I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator: All Styles 1 ½ Hours

I love you, Colonel Sanders! is one of the shortest and also the most surreal games of 2019. Developed by Psyop and published by KFC, the dating simulator was created as a promotional tool for the fast-food restaurant. It also aimed to cash in on the rising popularity of terrible dating simulator games by putting its mascot in the spotlight.
The game mimics popular anime style dating simulators and it does it perfectly, creating a humorous and ridiculous game that has gained a vast number of positive reviews, despite its very short playtime of just 90 minutes.
14 Gone Home: All Styles 2 Hours

Gone Home is a story-driven exploration game that sees you return home after a year abroad to discover that the house is empty and your family is nowhere to be found. You’ll need to figure out what happened by exploring your family home and searching for clues.
The game focuses entirely on exploration with no puzzles or combat to distract from the story. As you discover personal possessions still around the house you’ll be able to put together an immersive and personal story in a couple of hours that’s time well spent.
13 Jumanji: The Video Game: All Styles 2 Hours

This action-adventure game is very limited, despite the big-name franchise behind it. It contains just four levels and no real story. The length is just one of the reasons why the title has received such bad reviews, but it isn’t the only one.
Designed for multiplayer, yet lacking online matchmaking, Jumanji: The Video game is a short and not-so-sweet battle game that has great potential that it doesn’t even come close to fulfilling.
The main story, such as it is, will take only 90 minutes to complete. There is a completionist version ranked at six hours but this likely involves kitting out every single character to the max as the levels themselves are very, very short.
12 Journey: All Styles 2 Hours

The beautiful Journey is an adventure game that, while short, is wonderfully and uniquely executed. You control a robed adventurer who must journey through the desert. Along the way, you’ll meet other anonymous adventurers. You can help each other but you cannot communicate with words.
The game can be completed within a couple of hours but is well worth the experience. It includes a stunning soundtrack and beautiful visuals. Sometimes a small game can be perfectly executed and Journey is a great example, having picked up several game of the year awards.
11 The Novelist: All Styles 2 ½ Hours

The Novelist puts you in control of influencing a family containing a novelist. You can play in a straight storytelling mode or in stealth mode, where you gain information by sneaking around the house and can influence the family, as long as you aren’t discovered.
Information comes out as the story progresses and your choices or actions will steer the storyline as the game progresses, giving it a slightly unique take on a choose your own adventure type game.
This is another great example of a quirky game that, while short, is engaging and interesting to play. The reviews were mixed but for many, the game is worth the 2 1/2 hours it will take you to complete it.
10 The Stanley Parable: All Styles 2 1/2 Hours

The Stanley Parable is an interactive walking simulator that was originally a Half-Life 2 mod. You are tasking with exploring the environment around you as a narrator attempts to guide your journey. Players can then choose to either obey or disobey the narrative they are given.
Choices made will split the story into a huge amount of different directions, based on player choices. There are around ten endings and after each one, the game is reset. You can experience them all in around 2 1/2 hours.
9 Among The Sleep: All Styles 2 ½ Hours

Indie title Among The Sleep is an engaging and pretty terrifying first-person survival action-adventure game. You take on the role of a toddler, accompanied by a creepy sentient teddy bear, who must navigate the house to escape the monsters of their dreams and find their mother.
You cannot defeat the monsters but instead must run and hide until they pass by, giving this title plenty of survival horror vibes. There are emotional undertones to the story, showing a sinister side to the child’s household. The engaging game will have you on edge for just 2 1/2 hours but you’ll feel every minute of it.
8 What Remains of Edith Finch: All Styles 2 ½ Hours

An incredibly harrowing and engaging game, What Remains of Edith Finch is a first-person exploration game. As you navigate your way through the game you’ll explore the Finch’s house and discover more about the curse which Edith believes has fallen upon her family.
The narrative will have you both engaged and emotional for around 2 1/2 hours but it will be well worth it. The title has picked up several awards for its storyline as well as many other nominations.
7 Untitled Goose Game: All Styles 3 Hours

The quirky Untitled Goose Game has become a recent classic, striking a chord with players looking for something that’s quite simply just pure fun. Far less serious than many of the entries on this list it involves taking control of a goose who loves to create havoc. Armed with a checklist of chaos to cause, players must make their way through the town avoiding dangers and annoying the locals.
Funny and enjoyable, Untitled Goose Game is short to complete at just 3 hours. However, you can challenge yourself afterward, finding new ways of creating chaos or aiming to destroy the town in the quickest possible time.
6 Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes: All Styles 3 1/2 Hours

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes offers a chance for anyone new to stealth action-adventure games to get a taste of the popular franchise without a hefty time investment. The main storyline can be completed in a couple of hours with a few extras padding this out. The average time of completion is around 3 1/2 hours but there is more to explore outside of this.
It serves as a prequel to the main game and functions as a lengthy demo in many ways. If you’ve ever wondered what all the fuss about Kojima Productions games is, this is a solid choice.
5 I am Bread: All Styles 3 1/2 Hours

The entertaining physics-based puzzler I am Bread is a story of a slice of bread’s epic quest to become toasted. Like many other Bossa Studios games, I am Bread is a fun but short adventure. Of course, how long it takes you to complete it will depend on your puzzle-solving ability.
The game contains a main storyline, which clocks in at just 2 1/2 hours, and some extra quests and challenges that can add on a significant amount of time. According to players, the average gamer can complete the quirky quest in an afternoon, a very entertaining and likely frustrating afternoon but an afternoon nonetheless.
4 Gris: All Styles 4 Hours

Gris is a platform game based on a girl journeying through a dark and faded reality to restore color to her life. Filled with stunning visuals and metaphors, the game follows Gris as she uncovers new abilities and makes choices about where to go.
You’ll see gameplay change as she gains new abilities and more of her surroundings come to life. As the journey progresses Gris must collect her mementos and face her demons. The beautiful tale will take around 4 hours to complete.
3 Little Nightmares: All Styles 4 Hours

Another quirky game involving a child protagonist, Little Nightmares is a horror adventure gamer with a puzzle-platformer style.
Players take on the role of six, a young girl who must escape from the Maw, a strange ship populated by some very sick creatures. Six must make her way to safety before she ends up as the ship’s occupants’ next meal.
The original game clocks in at around 4 hours playtime, depending on your puzzle-solving abilities. There is also some DLC available and a sequel slated for release next year.
2 Portal: All Styles 4 Hours

Most gamers have heard of Portal, the single-player cult classic from Valve, but did you realize that you can complete it in around 3 hours? The first-person puzzle platformer has earned a huge number of awards but none of them were for “longest game.”
According to players, the main story averages just 3 hours to complete with the extras bringing it up to 5. If you’ve ever wanted to know if the cake is, in fact, a lie then you can find out for yourself in an afternoon.
1 Oxenfree: All Styles 5 Hours

Oxenfree is a supernatural thriller that will stay with you long after you turn it off. It tells the story of Alex, a teenager who takes her stepbrother to a party on a creepy island that used to be a military base.
As a rift is opened the events of the past begin to come into focus. You’ll need to explore the island and make choices that will change all your lives.
This atmospheric title will take around 5 hours to complete.

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