Bloodborne: All Serrated Weapons (& How To Use Them) | Game Rant

Most who have played the horrific and incredible masterpiece of gaming known as Bloodborne are likely quite familiar with the various main types of damage in the game such as Fire, Bolt, and Arcane. Though, there are hidden ones as well that are only hinted at in a weapon’s item description in true sneaky FromSoftware fashion.

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One of the most useful is Serration, as weapons with this hidden trait do a significant 20% more damage to beast-type enemies, which proliferate Yarnham and the surrounding areas. As the name implies, these armaments can be recognized by their sharp, jagged, bladed edges. There are 6 weapons in the game that possesses this unseen classification, therefore these are the ones that the player should seek out if they need some added impact when confronting bestial foes.

6 Saw Cleaver

The famous Saw Cleaver is the very first Serration weapon one can encounter as it is one of the potential starting weapons. Before one goes charging at scourge beasts with this in hand, however, it should be noted that this weapon only possesses the Serration trait while in its short mode. Its trick mode does not apply Serration damage. This means that to slay beasts most efficiently, hunters will have to get very close to their prey.

Thankfully, the fast attack speed of this cleaver allows one to get in and out of an enemy’s attack range fairly quickly, lending this armament to very easy to perform hit and run tactics. This also means that if one takes damage, they can recover some health back easier as well while counterattacking foes in the same manner. The optimal character spread for the Saw Cleaver is a Quality build that focuses on both Strength and Arcane, for when fully upgraded these are the two stats that it gets the most scaling from at C-tier.

5 Saw Spear

Found in Central Yarnham upon a corpse strung up in a warehouse, the Saw Spear can be acquired relatively early into a playthrough. Many consider it to be a better version of the Saw Cleaver, and for good reasons. Firstly, both its regular mode and its trick mode possess Serration, allowing either form to deal bonus damage to reviled beasts. The Saw Spear also has a more varied moveset that includes some thrusting attacks in addition to slashing ones for added versatility.

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As such, it can be used for even better hit and run tactics than the Saw Cleaver, though in the same situations. This spear also benefits from being the main weapon of a Quality build, though one that focuses on Skill and Arcane, leaving out most Strength investment. At the max upgrade, it gets C-tier scaling in both the Skill and Arcane stats.

4 Threaded Cane

Allowing a hunter to be as gentlemanly as possible when on a hunt, the Threaded Cane is another possible starting weapon. It gets the Serration damage type, though only in its whip mode. Much like its whip counterparts in the Dark Souls games, its damage will be rather lackluster compared to other weapons until it gets a few upgrades, meaning that it requires more patience on the part of the player to be utilized effectively.

However, in the same manner, it has excellent crowd control potential with its wide attack hitbox and unpredictable movements. It is very handy at tackling multiple, speedy foes at once, like dogs and the carrion crows that try to rush and swarm the player. This weapon is another best suited to a Quality build as it gets a high A-tier scaling with Skill and a solid B-tier scaling in Arcane.

3 Beast Cutter

As the most obviously dangerous to bestial adversaries, the Beast Cutter can be a deadly weapon to take on a hunt. It can be found upon the steps leading to the version of the Grand Cathedral within Hunter’s Nightmare. In its base form, it acts like a spiked mace that can club and claw foes simultaneously. In its trick mode, it becomes a thick whip and acts much like the trick mode of the Threaded Cane.

In both of its states, it has the Serration damage type. Its short form is ideal for close-quarters combat in tight confines or in situations where speed is key. The whip mode is meant more for typical strategies of this attack-pattern, mainly crow control or to out-space foes. Those wishing to use this weapon to hunt down their prey should invest in Strength the most, as this is the stat it scales with the best when fully upgraded at C-tier.

2 Church Pick

Despite not really having any of the jagged edges or teeth along its length that indicate it to possess Serration damage, it undeniably is such a tool and even possesses another hidden damage type: Righteous. In both forms it has both of these hidden traits, making it an excellent choice of weapon, especially for those doing a Skill build, for when fully upgraded this is the stat it scales the most with at B-tier.

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The Church Pick is also one of the few armaments that specialize in Thrust damage, granting hunters yet another damage type to take advantage of. Its attacks in both forms are rapid and relentless, letting players stagger and interrupt enemy combos easier than most weapons.

1 Whirligig Saw

Whimsical and wild, the Whirligig Saw is insanely effective at slaying foes if albeit ridiculous to look at. As a weapon only attainable in The Old Hunters DLC, players need to head to the Nightmare Church to find this one upon a corpse. In its regular form, it acts very similarly to the Kirkhammer in that it is a big mace, though its trick mode is what one should use more as it is a fair deal deadlier and is the only form where this weapon deals Serration damage.

It is a bit slower than many other weapons but it has decent range in its trick mode and also deals insane damage that can stagger foes remarkably easily. It also gains a monstrous S-tier scaling in Strength, making it one of the best weapons in the entire game for builds focusing on this stat. The best way to slay enemies with this ye olde chainsaw is to just walk right up to them and shred their face with any combo in the Whirligig Saw’s arsenal, for they are all deadly in this armament’s trick mode.

NEXT: 10 Enemies In Dark Souls That Should Have Been In Bloodborne


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