Everything You Missed In The Justice League Trailer | Game Rant

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was a 2016 film by Zack Snyder. It was intended that Snyder also direct its sequel, Justice League (2017), but as a result of a family tragedy, Snyder left the project to be with his wife and children. Joss Whedon was hired to finish Justice League, but unfortunately the film was a failure. It made about $657 million in the box office, which is certainly not a small amount, but it needed $750 million to break even. Since the release of the theatrical cut, many fans have expressed interest in Snyder creating a recut of the film to better embody his vision, and finally the film is about to be released to HBO Max in March of this year. Many people thought that this version of the film would be a lot like the theatrical cut, only ‘shinier’: better CGI, better effects, better image quality in general, but the release of the newest Justice League trailer has done quite a bit to dispel that idea. It is shinier, but it is also a distinct film different from the theatrical release.

There are a huge number of small details present in the trailer, many that could allude to a number of different things for Zack Snyder’s Justice League. The trailer for the film starts with Superman’s death from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, essentially stating to the audience that the last Justice League did not happen, and this is a fresh start. The film also has a different aspect ratio than it did in the theatrical cut, in the words of Snyder, to better resemble a comic book. In comic books, action usually moves up or down as opposed to side to side as it would in a widescreen film, and so this film is edited to be in a ratio that more closely resembles a square.

RELATED: Zack Snyder Didn’t Get Paid To Make The Snyder Cut

In Batman v Superman, Batman has a dream in which he envisions a post-apocalyptic world where he has to protect the people from an evil Superman. Scenes of a similar world present in the trailer for this iteration of Justice League suggest that the dream was actually a premonition, and now, years later, that future has come to fruition.

From the trailer, it seems that there will be more of Cyborg and the Flash, as well as Darkseid, three characters who were trimmed a lot in the original cut. In the new trailer, Wonder Woman goes to a temple where she finds ancient art depicting a war against Darkseid, Steppenwolf, and other aliens from the planet Apokolips where Darkseid reigns. Behind her, there appears to be an image of the three mother boxes, which were the tools Steppenwolf used in an attempt to terraform Earth to be like Apokolips. But, the Olympic Gods, Amazons, Atlanteans, aliens like Superman, and humans all teamed up to defeat them.

The trailer cuts from this scene with Wonder Woman to Darkseid and an army of Parademons inside some sort of classically styled temple. There are banners on the wall with the Omega symbol, which is representative of Darkseid’s search for an anti-life equation and the subsequent end of free will in the universe. Beside Darkseid is Granny Goodness, another comic book character. She was a child of poverty on the planet Apokolips and was taken to be trained as one of Darkseid’s elite soldiers. For part of the training, they had to train dogs, and their final test was to kill these dogs. When asked to do this, Granny Goodness killed her trainer instead. There is a brief shot outside of this temple where a burning city is visible. This could be happening on Apokolips, but it is also possible that it is on Earth as it does resemble what Batman saw in his post-apocalyptic vision.

In the theatrical release, there was a point where Steppenwolf appeared to be praying, but in this trailer the scene has been altered into a conversation between him and Darkseid. From scenes such as this, it is clear that Steppenwolf’s CGI looks a lot better than it did in the first iteration. His eyes are blue, but they were white in the original film. This could be a result of different powers that Steppenwolf may have, or it could relate to the portals between different dimensions that are present in some shots of the trailer, since they are the same shade of blue. These portals are known as ‘boom tubes’, because of the noise they make when they are created.

At another point, Alfred comments “If you can’t bring down the charging bull, then don’t wave the red cape at it,” while images of Steppenwolf and Superman appear on screen. This alludes to the idea that, like in the theatrical cut, they can’t beat Steppenwolf without Superman, but it also seems to suggest that bringing Superman back to life might be a greater issue than it was in Joss Whedon’s version.

In this trailer, Superman appears in a black suit, which apparently, Snyder had to fight the studio on. They really didn’t want Superman in a black suit, even though that is how he appears in the comics when he is brought back to life. Superman also appears to be using his heat vision quite intensely, with a boom tube behind him. In the original storyboards, Snyder supposedly expressed interest in Steppenwolf’s severed head being thrown through a boom tube, and falling at Darkseid’s feet, so it is possible that this might occur in the film.

In another scene, Cyborg is human and is in some sort of unusual landscape. This suggests that this is happening in his mind while he is connecting with some sort of technology, and the audience is seeing the interaction from his perspective. At a different point, Cyborg appears to be doing something with the mother boxes, when the Flash appears in the background, who has apparently time travelled to give Cyborg information that will stop the apocalyptic alternate future from materializing. It is likely that Lois Lane will be the key, as fans think she will die in this film. If she does, Superman will be highly emotional, allowing for Darkseid to outsmart him, so this could be what the members of the Justice League will need to prevent.

Another point shows the Flash saving Iris West, his future wife, from a car accident, and he is barefoot. Seemingly, this is a result of his shoes having burnt off because he was moving so fast. In place of the Batmobile, Batman appears to have some sort of Bat-tank, which Snyder describes as a war machine that was necessary to survive the apocalypse. It is possible that the Batmobile may even fit within the tank and make an appearance at some point in the film.

Jared Leto appears at the end of the trailer as the Joker, but a quite different Joker than he was in Suicide Squad. He doesn’t have his tattoos anymore, and he has longer hair. He is wearing a vest with police badges on it, which Snyder has said are trophies. The members of the Justice League might all be against the Joker, or they might have to all work together in order to defeat Darkseid and Steppenwolf. There are theories that Joker may have one of the mother boxes, or that some deal might be made with him. Cyborg is behind Batman as he interacts with Joker and he appears to be holding a briefcase, which further suggests the idea of a deal being made.

Snyder has said that originally, he wanted this film to be in two parts, but after the failure of Batman v Superman, the studio wanted him to cut it down to just one film. Once Snyder left the project, it was completely changed from what he intended. Now, that this film is going to be released on streaming platforms, Snyder has a lot more freedom in the creation of the film. The theatrical cut of Justice League was rushed into theatres, and a lot of footage from the initial trailers didn’t even make it into the final film. Now, with time and freedom, hopefully Snyder will be able to right some of these wrongs.

MORE: Video Breaks Down Differences In Zack Snyder’s Justice League


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