Apex Legends’ heirloom weapons are the rarest commodity in the game, and can cost a pretty penny too. While these special melee weapons don’t offer any gameplay advantages, they are the flashiest and coolest way for someone to show their love for their favorite Legend. And even though Fuse might be the newest Legend, he might be getting his heirloom sooner than anyone thinks, and we might even already know what it is.
The Aussie grenadier Fuse is Apex Legends’ newest Legend, leading some to think that his heirloom might still be a way off. But the release history of the heirlooms thus far suggests that might not be the case. Some may think that Respawn would go in chronological order and release heirlooms for the original 8 base game Legends before moving on to each of the seasonal addition characters, but it hasn’t. Octane was Season 1’s additional Legend, and Octane received his heirloom back in February 2020, before half of the original 8 Legends did.

There is only one of the original eight Legends left who hasn’t received their heirloom yet anyway, Bangalore. But according to recent data mines from reliable sources, Bangalore is next in line to receive an heirloom, and will likely get it during the next event during Season 8. Crossing her off the list means that Fuse is only one of seven remaining Legends still due for an heirloom, spanning the Legends added in Seasons 2-8. Given how early Octane got his heirloom. It stands to reason that Fuse could hypothetically receive his heirloom even before the likes of Loba or Wattson, and could maybe even receive his in 2021.
Most heirlooms have ties to the Legend’s backstory, like how Pathfinder’s boxing gloves are based on his Stories from the Outlands video where he befriends a boxer-turned-detective by the name of Victor Maldera. Fuse is already ahead of the curve when compared to a lot of Legends, as Fuse already has a Stories from the Outlands video, and there is an object of great significance to the character in plain sight throughout it: the golden grenade.
Fuse’s Stories from the Outlands video chronicles his and his ally Maggie’s rise to power as freedom fighters on their home planet of Salvo. It is unclear if they are siblings or friends but their dynamic is perhaps best described as “frenemies,” represented by their oftentimes violent one-upping of each other, and the passing back and forth of the golden grenade that they found as kids.
The grenade is used as a melee weapon multiple times throughout the trailer, lending credence to the idea that it could be Fuse’s heirloom. The trailer does end with the grenade exploding, but it seems likely that there could be more golden grenades out there, given how the two happen to find it on a random dead Salvonian freedom fighter.
As to how this new gold grenade could come into Fuse’s hands, it’s hard to say. Since he’s left the planet on rather bad terms, maybe Fuse and Maggie will make nice someday and she can give it to him as an apology for blowing his arm off with the last one. Stranger things have happened in Apex. After all, Loba and her parents’ murderer Revenant put their differences aside to find Revenant’s source code, though that brief truce ended rather grimly in a recent lore video Respawn released.
Of course, people have been wrong before when trying to guess heirlooms. The launch trailer for Season 6 featured Caustic brandishing a long metal gas cylinder as a melee weapon, but his heirloom ended up being a hammer with a simulacrum head instead. Still, all the pieces are there for Fuse to receive the golden grenade as his heirloom in Season 9 or later.
Apex Legends is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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