Red Dead Online may not yet have all the bells and whistles as its predecessor, GTA Online, but that does not mean that it does not remain another popular platform that Rockstar profits from. It is quite easy to be successful in RDO, especially if one plays every day and continues earning with a multiplier that increases with each consecutive play session.
Even so, despite the relative ease of some daily challenges and a dedicated fan base to help facilitate them, some daily challenges are nearly impossible to accomplish, especially if one prefers to play alone. Here are ten such challenges and why they are so difficult.
10 Finish in the Top 3

To start rather basically, any daily challenge that requires a player to finish in the top three of any game mode is going to be a feat in itself. Red Dead Online is by no means an easy shooter to play and the vast majority of the population in a lobby will most likely be skilled players who have hours upon hours of practice and meticulous knowledge of maps. It is not impossible to obtain, of course, but when the losses start stacking up, it will begin to feel nearly impossible.
9 Selling Perfect Pelts

Hunting challenges are a great way for RDO to break up the monotony that can build from doing missions where running around and shooting are the main objectives. That being said though, the higher echelons of hunting have rightly earned their place due to their difficulty.
This is shown in trying to get a perfect pelt off of any animal. Each animal needs to be killed in a particular fashion and not before scouting out the animal and making sure it is of the highest rating possible. That is a matter of RNG (Random Number Generators), though admittedly, depending on the animal, they can be found relatively quickly.
8 Travel 1000 Feet in a Boat w/ A Posse Member

This challenge seems deceivingly easy, but any veteran of RDO, particularly fans who are trying to break in for the first time, know all too well the trouble with posse-related challenges.
If someone is a solo player or does not have posse members who are as dedicated as they are, this challenge is nearly impossible. Even trying to find a boat in the first place is its own challenge. Sure, one can join a random posse and try to do it that way, but even then there is no guarantee said posse will want to work with you. Multiple attempts will more than likely be necessary.
7 Help Someone In Need

The difficulty in this challenge lies in the RNG. Helping someone in need as an RDO player means helping any NPC who appears on the mini-map as a flashing white dot. The trouble with this is finding any of these said NPCs. There do exist guides that explain locations where NPCs are known to spawn, but the matter remains in the hands of random chance and roaming in and out of areas, unfortunately. Patience and determination are the keys to completing this challenge.
6 Free Roam Event Challenges

Free Roam Event challenges are random instances that will crop up in the Free Roam mode of Red Dead Online. These can include King of the Hill events, capturing train cars on a moving train, or even sporting gold armor and being the person who wears it the longest without dying. The “impossibility” of these challenges stems from having other players join them.
Free Roam Event challenges do not usually have high participation because players are usually too busy doing another activity to participate in them in the overworld. On top of that, if by some chance a solo player does get into an event with a decent population, it is most likely that one posse is dominating, rendering the challenge all the more difficult to complete.
5 Multiple Player Kills in 5 Seconds Posse Versus

As for reasons previously stated, the difficulty of this challenge is expounded upon just the title alone. It contains all of the difficulty of being skilled at multiplayer, having a posse available that’s willing to participate in this particular game mode, and then the icing on the cake: a player needs to get a multi-kill in five seconds.
Granted, a lucky stick of dynamite and two enemies dead, that’s a done deal. But most will not be so lucky. The best bet is to try and score two headshots with the weapon one is most skilled with. After all, the kills only need to be spaced out within five seconds.
4 Race Challenges

Race challenges face the population issues that were mentioned earlier. Most players do not race in Red Dead Online because it does not hold the same appeal as the racing game modes of GTA Online. That appeal is shored up by the variety of vehicles and the creative maps that can be chosen from.
Horse racing compared to that just seems monotonous and banal. Plus the Arabian horse outclasses all other horses, so if anyone is in a race without one, but one other player does, then the outcome is practically already decided.
3 Kills With Melee

The difficulty of this particular challenge needs little explanation. It should be noted, that if done properly, a melee kill can be instantaneous. But the trouble of the matter is actually getting close to another player to accomplish the feat.
Enemy players that one is actively fighting, if they know what they are doing, are constantly on the move. Not to mention that they are always using firearms, so the disadvantage is already unbelievable. None of these challenges are “impossible,” just extremely difficult.
2 Biggest Fish Contest

Biggest Fish Contests are posse versus game modes where one posse completes a task against another posse. The Biggest Fish Contest involves players trying to garner the heaviest load of combined fish by the end of the challenge. On top of the obvious posse problems exhaustively stated earlier, the RNG factor comes back into play once more. Players can have all the available fishing knowledge at their disposal, but it does not change the fact that the winner of these outcomes, no matter how equally prepared, will always be up to chance.
1 Killing Panthers

Panthers are one of the most elusive animals to hunt in all of Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online. In fact, it is safer to say they are hunting the player. They are that difficult to find and especially deadly. They will make quick work of any player who gets too close, much like any of the other big cats in the game. On top of all that, they only spawn in two areas, near Braithwaite Manor and in the wetlands of Lagras. It is completely up to RNG for a player to find one and most guides agree that if a world that a player is in has a lot of players, they are better off finding a less populated one, as player count appears to affect the spawn rate. Best of luck!

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