Valheim: Best Locations For A Base & Why To Build There

Valheim is a survival crafting game based in the eponymous Viking paradise. With over 300,000 concurrent players, it is one of the fastest-growing and most popular survival games ever. With so many people playing, there are bound to be many bases built in the next few weeks. While it may seem that bases are both versatile and safe, neither of those assertions are true, and bases require constant maintenance and activity to make them worth it.

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The best places to build bases combine a variety of favorable traits, and most of the time require some searching to find the right one for new players.

10 Next To The Sea

Traveling by sea might not seem to be the best way to progress, but Valheim does away with these survival game conventions. Think of the sea as the highway of your world, making normally inaccessible places ideal areas for acquiring resources.

Ambitious players may want to avoid harvesting resources on their home continent, with the intention of acquiring important wood and stone on other islands and continents. Therefore, placing a base near the ocean is extremely important for stowing away your valuable ships, not to mention fishing.

9 Away From Trees

Trees are notorious in Valheim for killing players and destroying buildings alike. They are truly deadly, and unpredictable as well. One tree can start a chain reaction that will end poorly for everyone involved. In other words, builders should clear an area or pick a field to build their base.

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It is possible to build near trees, but this is essentially making those trees a permanent addition to the base because the average player won’t want to potentially destroy their roof with volatile falling trees.

8 Next To A River

Rivers are a vital source of always necessary flint, stone, and most importantly, food. Necks are the perfect food source for aspiring hunters as they provide a secondary health increase in the early stages of the game, with the primary one being cooked meat. Neck tails are plentiful and highly nourishing.

In addition to this, if aspiring boat captains miss out on the ocean, they can always use the river as a highway in a similar fashion. Just make sure it is fairly wide, enough at least to navigate with a ship, even a simple one.

7 Next To Spawn

If players stuck in a death loop wish to not spawn at their faraway base, they can choose to make their primary and best house near the natural spawn and simply destroy their bed. This provides a perfect means of fast traveling after death, making the game’s natural spawn point a vital ally in the quest to further the survival experience.

In addition to this, Valheim is best experienced with friends, so placing the biggest base near spawn points will impress allies and foes alike.

6 Next To The Eikthyr Rune Stone

Eikthyr is an extremely important boss to fight early, as it allows players to access antler pickaxes and start acquiring copper and tin ore. While this may not seem to be the most important, if large groups require a lot of antler pickaxes, making the base far away from one of these stones will make transport a pain.

Therefore, for ease of access, it is best to locate one of these helpful stones as soon as possible to make your experience as smooth as possible.

5 In The Meadows

While an experienced explorer might deem it prudent to construct their base in the black forest or swamp, these areas are far more dangerous and have considerably more enemies. Meadows are scattered around the world of Valheim, and so locating one isn’t particularly difficult for anyone with a ship and some patience.

In addition to this, the spawn point is almost guaranteed to start in this biome, so players should not be afraid to use this as a primary, and safe base for gathering berries, leather scraps, and other important materials.

4 An Easily Defensible Area

While the inclusion of pickaxes allows players to terraform to their heart’s content, the standard base is spread out and on flat ground, so finding a suitable area to construct defenses can be a challenge. Instead, go uphill and find a plateau to start building. The terrain will favor the player when the Greydwarfs begin to attack.

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The players have a choice between making defenses themselves and using the natural terrain to their advantage. While it may seem tempting to do the first, players should save time and consider the second.

3 Anywhere A Bed Is Needed

Bases don’t have to be singular objects, they can spread out and multiply over several biomes to give players safe havens in multiple areas. The swamp and plains are deadly to early players, so a base near to those is ideal to stop death loops and unneeded frustration.

Players should never be afraid to expand over the entire map, the world is theirs after all. Workbenches and beds are a standard addition to any base, but a fire and a forge are also very nice to have around.

2 Flat Ground

While this may seem obvious, a flat area is ideal to avoid unneeded work in construction. While a mountain or cliff base might seem cool, these are prone to failure and their pillars are obvious weak points. Players should never be afraid to make these bases for the novelty value, but the first and largest base should have a sturdy foundation for the remainder of the game.

Builders beware, buildings can decay or be damaged by attacks. Players should never rely on their terraforming to create their defenses for them, after all.

1 An Easily Accessible Area

Most importantly, gamers should be cautious of making a far-off, isolated base without quick and easy access to the sea, key ore nodes such as copper, and the world around them. Valheim is a game of transportation, meaning ore and other resources should be quick to access, harvest, and otherwise bring home.

The base is a hub for this activity, making an otherwise normal area into a place where people will be coming and going very often. Players should take this into account when deciding on a place to put their base.

NEXT: Valheim: How To Summon All Bosses


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