Godzilla vs. Kong Producer Explains Kong’s Huge Size Increase

Legendary Pictures’ Godzilla vs. Kong is stomping its way closer and closer to release, and fans are already picking sides for the grudge match of a lifetime. Everyone has their favorite, and there is no shortage of arguments as to who is better suited to wipe the floor with the other, but there is one question that has lingered: why exactly is King Kong so much larger now?

The film follows on from the Godzilla reboot series and is also tied to Kong: Skull Island, but fans have noticed that in Skull Island, Kong stood at a mere 104 feet tall, a far cry from the 400 ft behemoth that is Godzilla. When the first images for Godzilla vs. Kong started to roll out, however, Kong was pretty much equal in stature to the giant lizard, raising some obvious questions.

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While it may be more convenient for the two foes to be of equal size, Kong’s increase in height was hardly going to slide by without being unremarked on. Even if audiences consider the fact that Kong was still rather young in Skull Island, somebody has some explaining to do about how he quadrupled in height since his first appearance. Luckily, someone has shown up to do that explaining: producer Alex Garcia. During an interview with comicbook.com, Garcia took some time to address the question of how the big monkey himself buffed up for the latest film. According to the producer, a lot has changed since Skull Island, and there’s a few reasons why Kong is a serious threat to Godzilla.

One important point the producer brought up is that it’s been about 40 years in-universe since audiences last saw Kong, giving him plenty of time to stretch his muscles and really bulk up. On top of that, the island itself has apparently “changed a lot” since the events of Skull Island, meaning things might not be exactly as they seem on the already strange island.

Garcia also brought up that Kong was still an adolescent in the first film, giving him a lot of growing left to do. Despite his new size, however, Kong will still be the underdog in this rumble. “He doesn’t breathe fire or do anything we haven’t seen him do before, so [Kong] has the odds stacked against him,” Garcia said. That doesn’t mean audiences should count him out, however, as Garcia added that “He has a few tricks up his sleeve, just by virtue of being around in a modern world and things that he can use and use tactically that Godzilla can’t.”

So, hopefully, one way or another, there’ll be some lip service paid to Kong’s new size in the film, and then things can quickly move along to the main event. Whatever side folks are rooting for, the final showdown between Godzilla and Kong is sure to be one to remember.

Godzilla vs. Kong will release in theaters and on HBO Max on March 31, 2021.

MORE: Godzilla and Kong are No Match for A Good Old Internet Cat

Source: ComicBook.com


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