Shepard’s main objective throughout Mass Effect’s original trilogy is to stop the Reapers. But he still has time for a personal life. And there is a litany of romances he can pursue while saving the galaxy – both good and bad ones.
Yet, why should he have all of the fun? He has many allies on the Normandy who never enter into a relationship just in case they suddenly become the apple of their Commander’s eye. In fact, several of these individuals would actually be better off with other people. So with that in mind, here are some romanceable characters who should’ve looked elsewhere for love.
10 Ashley (Garrus)

Ashley isn’t the most beloved companion of the first game, largely because of her opinions about aliens. She is very distrustful of them. Much of it stems from her grandfather surrendering to the Turians during the First Contact War. It was an act that put a permanent black mark next to her family’s name.
While her anti-alien bias settles down after the original game, it would’ve been more interesting to see her views change due to a romance. An ideal mate could’ve been Garrus. She could’ve slowly fallen for the lovable Turian while her prejudices faded. It would’ve made for a compelling arc.
9 Traynor (EDI)

One of the most prominent characters introduced in Mass Effect 3 is Samantha Traynor. She serves as a Specialist onboard the Normandy and also provides plenty of entertainment. One of her best scenes is when she finds out that EDI is an AI and then immediately regrets the times she called her robotic voice “attractive.”
Later EDI receives an actual body and can pursue a romance with Joker. There’s no denying that the two are brilliant together, but EDI and Traynor would’ve been a nice alternative too. While it likely wouldn’t have been too deep, it would’ve been very funny.
8 Jacob (Joker)

Because of his dullness, Jacob is usually regarded as Mass Effect 2’s worst teammate. It’s hard to argue, as the guy is overly serious and rarely lightens up. This is a stark contrast to Joker. The talented pilot never stops making jokes, no matter how bad the war gets.
Pairing the two up could’ve been really good for Jacob. It might’ve brought out a more entertaining side to the soldier. At the very least, he could’ve served as a strong foil for Joker’s antics.
7 Samara (Thane)

It’s questionable whether Samara should count as a romanceable character because she doesn’t share a full-fledged relationship with Shepard. However, they can share a powerful romantic moment in ME3’s Citadel expansion, so that’s close enough.
A character she should’ve engaged in a romance with is Thane. The two share several things in common, from their spirituality to their troublesome offspring. It’s unclear what Samara’s code thinks of a Justicar dating a dying Drell, but it doesn’t stop her from getting involved in romantic entanglements, so it should be fine.
6 Jack (Morinth)

There might not be a crazier or more dangerous duo in the galaxy than a potential pairing between Jack and Morinth. Jack is a hot-headed biotic badass, whereas Morinth is a manipulative sensual deviant.
A romance between them would’ve been fascinating to witness and very different from the one Jack shares with Shepard. With the Commander, Jack opens up and becomes a better person. If she’d been with Morinth, it might’ve made her even more psychotic. And it would’ve given players a reason to choose the Ardat-Yakshi over Samara. It may have even lifted Morinth above the rest of the worst squadmates in the series.
5 Cortez (James)

Bioware deserves credit for what they did with Cortez. He could easily be a simple character who is only there to drive the shuttle. However, they made him compelling by giving him a tragic backstory surrounding the death of his husband. This drives his personal arc as he tries to get past the grief throughout the game.
Although, the storyline should’ve gone further by having him fall for James. The muscle-bound soldier has a small arc of his own about his daredevil tendencies. Both plotlines could’ve worked in tandem, with Cortez being deathly afraid that his new partner would perish like his last.
4 Liara (Javik)

The love story between Shepard and Liara is among the most memorable romances that Bioware has ever produced. Yet, there was a lot of potential in a pairing of the Asari and Javik. The DLC character was the last living Prothean, a species that Liara spent much of her life researching. Although, the relationship didn’t need to be solely based on that.
The first interaction between the two was interesting as Javik somewhat dismissed Liara and her people. And the Shadow Broker wasn’t too happy. Afterward, the two could’ve started spending more time together, learning more about each other’s races in the process. Then over time, their initial contempt for one another could’ve transformed into affection.
3 Thane (Zaeed)

This is perhaps the most unusual couple on the list, as not many have thought of Thane and Zaeed together. However, the latter could’ve benefitted from a romance because he had little to do after his recruitment mission ended. And Thane would’ve been a strong choice for a partner.
Both characters are hired killers, so there are certain similarities between them. But their personalities couldn’t be more different. Thane is a spiritual and kind soul, whereas Zaaed is ruthless. Through his relationship with the Drell, the human could’ve become a better person. And Thane could’ve spent his remaining years helping to reform someone he loves.
2 Miranda (Jack)

From their first meeting, Miranda and Jack despise one another. Most of it stems from their radically differing opinions on Cerberus. However, this could’ve been the start of a great love story. After playing through their respective loyalty missions, it’s hard not to sympathize with both characters.
Therefore it was the perfect opportunity for the rivals to see each other in a different light – perhaps players would need to bring them on each other’s loyalty quest to trigger the romance. Plus, witnessing what Cerberus did to Jack could’ve prompted Miranda to question the organization she loves, as she does end up leaving them anyway. The love story might’ve been even better than the one Miranda shares with the Commander, which is admittedly one of Mass Effect 2’s best.
1 Garrus (Tali)

Two of the most popular characters in the series are Garrus and Tali. So what fan wouldn’t want to see them end up together? Well, it’s actually possible to make that happen. To do so, players have to refrain from romancing either character – which would perhaps be the hardest decision of the series.
With Shepard out of the picture, the two characters start to flirt before eventually embracing towards the end of ME3. Bioware could’ve done more with the couple as their relationship is pretty much a secret for the player to find. But it’s still sweet.

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