Valheim forces players to scour a massive map for all the tools needed to survive in a harsh wilderness. This means players rely heavily on their inventory and managing it properly; but unfortunately for players, the current Valheim inventory system is not considered one of its best features.
The massively popular Valheim not only is breaking concurrent player number records, but it also is bringing out the creativity of modders to improve the addicting game. While some mods focus on making the game silly, some modders have taken the time to create mods that make the game better. Examples of this include the players who have created inventory system improvement mods.
The Valheim mod called “Equipment and Quick Slots” was created by user RandyKnapp. This mod removes some of the worst aspects of the Valheim’s inventory system, which is that armor continues to take up inventory slots even when equipped. Running out of inventory space is a regular issue in Valheim, and any mods to help expand it are a blessing for most players. While the mod that adds a first-person perspective to Valheim is fun, “Equipment and Quick Slots” is probably one of the most useful of the mods available to the community at this time.

There are a second group of additional slots added with “Equipment and Quick Slots” as well; a selection of hotkeys that can be mapped for the use of potions, like Valheim‘s Frost Resist potions, that will speed up accessing them when needed in combat. This frees up a massive amount of a player’s inventory for collecting items they come across in the world like food, ingredients, and heavy metal deposits.
While “Equipment and Quick Slots” seems to keep the spirt of the game in mind, there is another mod that just hands players even more inventory space to use. The “MoreSlots” mod by Fang86 might feel like a bit of a cheat, similar to the mod that allows players to use portals while carrying metals in Valheim, but it certainly improves quality of life for many players who just want to pick up everything they see out in the world.
Regardless of how players choose to mod, or not mod, Valheim, the appeal of this survival game is undeniable. Valheim is still currently in Early Access, so hopefully some of the quality-of-life mods will be taken into consideration for updates by developer Iron Gate AB.
Valheim is available now on PC.
Source: Kotaku

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