The latest episode of WandaVision dropped a big reveal about one of its major characters. Not only did the reveal change so much about the show and set up its climax, but it also delivered a devilishly catchy song to make the moment all the more fun. Now that song is available to be enjoyed by fans over and over again, courtesy of Marvel Studios.
Episode 7 of WandaVision, “Breaking the Fourth Wall”, ended with the confirmation that Agnes (Kathryn Hahn) the nosy neighbor is, in fact, Agatha Harkness and that she has been toying with Wanda’s reality from the very beginning. This is a theory that fans have had for a while now, but the show still made the moment memorable by giving Agatha her own theme song, “Agatha All Along”, which Marvel has now released as its own separate video.
After Agatha introduces her true self to Wanda in her basement lair during the final moments, the episode ends with the expository yet still entertaining song. Like the show has done in the past, the theme song seems to pay homage to classic sitcom theme songs, specifically with the goofy and spoofy vibe of shows like The Munsters and The Addams Family. The song uses its bouncy tune and Hahn’s own energetic signing to detail all the ways Agatha has been pulling the strings behind the scenes. It even ends with the darkly comedic confirmation that she killed the Maximoff family dog Sparky as well.
In the comics, Agatha Harkness is a witch who also acted as a mentor for Wanda, teaching her to use her powers while also influencing her down a dark path. Before the show even premiered, many fans had guessed that “Agnes” was actually Agatha Harkness in disguise, and there were several clues that seemed to back up the theory. Episode 6 threw a wrench in the theory by seeming to confirm Agnes was under Wanda’s spell, just like everyone else in Westview, but the theme song shows that was also just part of Agatha’s schemes.
This reveal certainly does make the next two episodes of WandaVision exciting. Even if fans guessed the truth long ago, it was a fun and twisted way to reveal the truth while also leaving a lot of questions still to be answered. The extent of Agatha’s meddling is still unclear, or why she is doing this in the first place. While Wanda clearly has some control over this false reality, Agatha is an influencer as well. However, while Agatha certainly revealed herself to be a villain by killing poor Sparky, there still might be another darker and stronger force at work here who has yet to reveal themselves.
WandaVision is currently streaming on Disney Plus.
Source: Marvel Studios | Twitter

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