With the announcement of Destiny 2: Beyond Light, Guardians were also treated to an outline of the next 2 big expansions for Destiny 2. Beyond Light will be followed by The Witch Queen in early 2022, followed by Lightfall sometime after that. Today, Bungie informed Guardians of information surrounding plans after Lightfall.
Bungie mentions that “The Witch Queen expansion represents an important evolution in the ongoing story of Destiny 2.” Bungie further talked about the impact that The Witch Queen will have on the narrative in Lightfall and beyond. This confirms that Bungie still has plans for Destiny 2 after Lightfall.
Bungie talks about needing to add an additional unannounced chapter after Lightfall in order to complete the first Destiny saga. The “Light and Darkness Saga” of Destiny started with the vanilla release of Destiny back in 2014. Bungie calling the Light and Darkness Saga, the first saga in Destiny, leads to speculation about what comes after. The Light and Darkness Saga has lasted for almost seven years and still has two more major expansions that should also last about a year each.

Bungie’s plans after this unannounced expansion to conclude the Light and Darkness Saga are mostly a mystery. For now, Bungie is focusing on 2021 and mentioned plans to keep weapons and armor fresh for players as well as refining its vision for PVP. Bungie also mentions implementing transmog and adding crossplay.
Bungie stands committed to making Destiny an everlasting evolving world, and a definitive action-MMO with a unified global community where Guardians can play Destiny anywhere with their friends. Focusing on upgrading the systematic foundation of Destiny 2 now, will allow the game to support what Bungie does in the future.
Guardians should learn more about Bungies plans for The Witch Queen, and following content, later this summer. For now, Guardians can only speculate as to what plans Bungie has for a new Destiny Saga once the Light and Darkness Saga concludes. If a new Destiny saga is planned to be comparable in length to the Light and Darkness Saga, Guardians could be looking at another 10 plus years of Destiny content.
With recent news of Bungie increasing the size of its studio, paired with this news of unannounced content after Lightfall, Guardians have a lot to look forward to when it comes to new Destiny content. The future of Destiny’s Guardians may live longer than Bungie originally planned when outlining their ten-year plan for Destiny, good news for Guardians wanting to continue their space magic adventures.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
Source: Bungie

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