Super Mario 3D World fans will notice that the game is very good at introducing a concept to a level and having players subsequently make use of that concept throughout it to track down green stars. The attention to level design is one of the reasons why Super Mario 3D World might be the best game in the franchise. This smart design philosophy applies to the green stars in World 4-4, Big Bounce Byway.
Big Bounce Byway makes use of springs and other objects that Mario can bounce off as players traverse the tricky level. The level hops along at a nice pace, and while players could try and speedrun it, like some folks have already blasted through Bowser’s Fury, they can also take the time to explore and collect some green stars.

Early on in the stage, after bouncing up to an area with three spring enemies, there is one that will turn into a usable spring after it is bounced on. Find it, and use the spring to reach the first green star nestled in a nook on the rock wall above. Unlike the Charging Chuck enemy who can get stuck in a T-pose, the spring enemies aren’t going to make life that easy for Mario.

Taking the spring gained from the first star, players need to carry it past the checkpoint to find a flight of stairs that lead to a rock wall. Dropping the spring down against the wall, players can use the spring to reach a set of bouncy platforms which Mario can use to reach the second star.

In the next area of the level past the checkpoint, players will find a purple warp block, which will lead them to a challenge area involving the spring enemies from earlier. Find the one that transforms into a spring to reach the star sitting high above. The challenge stars in Super Mario 3D World often aren’t too bad, especially in these earlier worlds of the game.

Towards the end of the level, while riding on a large, moving bouncy platform, players will find two rings of Biddybuds and at the center will find the stamp for the stage. It’s a bit tricky to time the jump into the center, but shouldn’t be too much of a challenge given all the jumping and bouncing players have already been doing in the level.
Much like World 4-2’s Piranha Creeper Creek, which is centered around the twisting Piranha Plant variant, the focus on springs and bouncing in this level provide a nice bit of challenge for players without going too hard on the difficulty. It’s what makes Super Mario 3D World a fun game to play, a nice balance of platforming challenge without being so punishing it makes players want to rip their hair out.
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is available now for Nintendo Switch.

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