Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Deserves A Next-Gen Upgrade

With the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X consoles available, many games from the previous generation have making the leap to next-gen with special patches. These upgrades enhance these older games to improve their performance on PS5 and Xbox Series X, often offering features like better frame rates, higher resolution graphics, and other bells and whistles. Many popular games are getting the next-gen upgrade treatment, but one that’s been left out so far is 2019’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a reboot of the Modern Warfare sub-series, featuring fan favorite characters and maps from the original Modern Warfare trilogy of games. It earned strong reviews from critics at the time of its release and is one of the most successful video games of all time in terms of sales. Over time, the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare experience improved even further, as developer Infinity Ward ensured that the game had a steady stream of new content throughout 2020, adding maps, game modes, and much more to keep the experience fresh for players.

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But with Call of Duty games having annual releases, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was eventually phased out for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. This is especially unfortunate, as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was phased out at the top of its game, and the massive file sizes of both titles means that many gamers have to choose between one or the other. But with Black Ops Cold War suffering from numerous and excessive technical problems, it’s a shame that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare hasn’t been given a next-gen facelift to make it a more compelling choice for CoD fans on PS5 and Xbox Series X.

While Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is plagued by some unfortunate bugs, including some rather game-breaking ones, it does show how impressive a Call of Duty game can look with a next-gen upgrade. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War can be played at 120 frames per second and it also supports ray-tracing visuals. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare with ray-tracing already exists on PC, so it doesn’t seem like it would be that big of a leap to add that feature to the console version of the game on PS5 and Xbox Series X.

The performance boost Call of Duty: Modern Warfare could enjoy on PS5 and Xbox Series X is reason enough to give the game a next-gen upgrade. It’s safe to say that many fans would willingly pay the $10 fee that Activision has been charging for its next-gen upgrades if it means that they can play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare with better graphics and performance.

Infinity Ward and Activision spent a year releasing new content for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, giving the game the most significant post-launch support out of any Call of Duty title in history. But when Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War came out and players had to make room on their hard drives for the new game, that effort was seemingly wasted. And it’s a shame, too, because Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has more maps, and more popular maps, than the latest entry in the series.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is home to fan favorite new maps like Shoot House, as well as remastered classics like Shipment from Call of Duty 4 and Rust from Modern Warfare 2. The game also has plenty of weapons that players spent an entire year unlocking attachments and custom skins for. Not to mention plenty of playable Operators and other content that players unlocked for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in the various Battle Passes that were released for the game.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare also has more variety when it comes to the available game modes when compared to its successor. And while Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is catching up with Gun Game and other modes, Modern Warfare already had those kinds of modes available to players right off the bat. There’s simply more reason to keep Call of Duty: Modern Warfare installed than Black Ops Cold War, so it would be great if players were given some next-gen enhancements so they don’t have to miss out on those features.

It’s no secret that Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War has some serious technical issues, some of which have persisted since launch. Perhaps due to the fact that the game had less development time than other recent Call of Duty games or due to other reasons entirely, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is often prone to crashing. And the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War split-screen feature is still completely broken at the time of this writing.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare had its fair share of bugs, too. But with the game over a year old at this point, the developers were able to squash many of those bugs, and the result is a much more polished and technically-sound experience than Black Ops Cold WarCall of Duty: Black Ops Cold War may one day get to the same level of polish as Modern Warfare, but as it stands, Modern Warfare is objectively the superior game from a technical standpoint.

If Activision did decide to move forward with a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare next-gen update, it would be perfect if it coincided with the rumored Season 7 for the game. Even though Activision has seemingly moved on to Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War entirely, rumors have persisted that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 7 is waiting in the wings, set to add even more multiplayer maps to the game along with Soap as a playable Operator.

Whether or not that’s true remains to be seen, but combining Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 7 with a next-gen upgrade for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X could very well convince those that have moved on to other consoles to re-download the 2019 fan favorite.

Activision has already given updates to some of its games, or plans to in the future. This includes Crash Bandicoot 4, which is receiving a substantial next-gen upgrade in March, as well as Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2. Since Activision has been giving next-gen upgrades to these games, which have a fraction of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare playerbase, it only makes sense for Modern Warfare to get in on the action as well.

While Activision has not officially announced a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare next-gen upgrade for PS5 or Xbox Series X, there is still hope that one may materialize. Late last year, plans for a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare next-gen upgrade leaked online, and that leak combined with Activision’s next-gen upgrades for its other games makes a PS5 and Xbox Series X optimization patch much more likely.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare spent a year adding new content to the game, and even then, many of the leaked Modern Warfare DLC maps never made it in. The game has a built-in playerbase of millions of players, and it’s clear that it was better-received than 2020’s Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Considering Call of Duty: Modern Warfare‘s quality and sheer breadth of content, the game deserves a next-gen upgrade so that it can stay relevant and players can enjoy its content longer.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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