Rainbow Six Siege has dominated the first-person shooter gaming scene for 5 years now. In 2018 the game released a temporary in-game event called “Outbreak.” The Outbreak event featured faster paced gameplay and the base game was tweaked to be optimized for this. Ubisoft declared via the Epic Games Store that it was the Outbreak event that inspired a new team at Ubisoft Montreal to create Rainbow Six Quarantine. Though the game began development before the COVID-19 pandemic begun, its release was strongly affected by it. Ubisoft delayed the game and has considered changing its title due to concerns over the use of keywords and themes that might remind fans of the coronavirus outbreak.
Perhaps egged on by the delays of the game, fans have located footage leaks that showcase the gameplay to be expected from Rainbow Six Quarantine. The leak features brain-like parasites being destroyed and exploding. The leak also confirms what was already announced in the initial Quarantine trailer, that Vigil will be returning as an Operator. Set in a location called “workshop” the leak also contains a caution indicator referencing “seismic triangulation.” Seismic triangulation is the technique scientists use to locate the epicenter of an earthquake.
What the leak shows is in line with the little information that Ubisoft has already shared regarding the game. From the leak, it appears the developers at Ubisoft Montreal has most of the game’s core mechanics implemented so far. While game leaks can be deceiving, such as Rainbow Six Quarantine’s own leak about a March release date, this leak appears to be legit. The original person behind the leak has stated they have received several take down orders from Ubisoft, which has resulted in the forced removal of most of their Ubisoft related twitter posts.
The outbreak event the new game is based on was a big hit and it appears Rainbow Six Quarantine will do well. Ever since announcement fans have showed immense enthusiasm for the upcoming game. Fan reactions to the leak appear to be predominantly positive. Most have praised the graphics as a direct improvement upon Rainbow Six Siege’s. Though, this is to be expected, with Rainbow Six Siege being almost 6 years old now.
Despite positive reactions, the tone of fans is beginning to get more impatient as time goes on. Many expected an update on the progress of Quarantine in Siege’s six-year roadmap reveal. Those fans were disappointed. Currently the game is predicted to release in 2021 based on Ubisoft’s Epic Games store page.
Rainbow Six Quarantine will be available on an unspecified date for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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