The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim gives players access to some of the most powerful artifacts to ever exist in Tamriel. One such artifact is the Dark Brotherhood’s Blade of Woe. The powerful enchantments and base damage alone make this dagger a must-have in any sneak or assassin build’s inventory. However, the game does not offer much information about this legendary weapon.
In the Elder Scrolls lore, the Blade of Woe makes multiple appearances and has a significant role in the Dark Brotherhood’s history. Those who are familiar with the story of the faction throughout the games may be more acquainted than most with this weapon.
10 Appearance Changes Across Games

The Blade of Woe has appeared as an Ebony Dagger throughout Elder Scrolls’ history, such as its first in-game appearance in Oblivion as a regular Ebony Dagger. However, its appearance in Skyrim changed to a unique curved shape. In fact, the Skyrim variant resembles another dagger by the name of Sufferthorn found during the Dark Brotherhood questline in Oblivion. Both daggers also have similar health draining effects as well.
9 Can Kill Instantly At Its Most Lethal

According to lore, the Blade of Woe can kill its targets in an instant at the height of its power. What’s more, when high-ranking Brotherhood members use it to kill their target, the blade shrouds them from view, rendering them cloaked. It is also known to drain a target’s health and magicka with each strike. It also can deplete a target’s willpower and morale. If used in a ritual execution, the Blade of Woe is known to completely incinerate the target, and the blood that is spilled using the blade becomes tainted.
8 Could Exist In Multiple Places At The Same Time

During the Second Era, any and every member of the Dark Brotherhood could call upon the Blade, as seen in Elder Scrolls Online. Whether it be a fresh recruit on their first job or a master in the Brotherhood’s ranks; if a member called upon the Blade, it would appear. According to lore, the blade could be summoned by multiple assassins at the same time and it would appear to all of them, despite it being a single weapon. Assassins could call the blade, use it to kill and complete a contract, but they were not allowed to keep the blade.
7 Contract Bonuses For Using The Blade To Kill

A Dark Brotherhood Assassin has access to a host of different weapons and materials they can use to complete a contract. Most of these contracts do not have special requirements, but some contracts offer some bonuses if a Brotherhood member uses the Blade to kill, though it’s uncertain how they prove this to the organization.
However, if an assassin did not use the Blade to kill their target, the contract would still be complete. In addition to special contracts, the Blade was routinely used in ritual executions.
6 Players Get Unenchanted Blade Of Woe In Oblivion

During the events of Oblivion, players get invited by Lucien Lachance to join the Dark Brotherhood. He gives players an unenchanted version of the Blade of Woe. Players progress through the questline and the ranks of the Brotherhood with what they perceive as a mundane Ebony Dagger.
It is not until the end of the questline when players meet the Night Mother when the true power of the Blade is unlocked. When players reveal the true traitor to the Brotherhood, the Night Mother enchants the Blade as a reward for their loyalty.
5 Two Different Versions In Skyrim

In Skyrim, players can find two different versions of the Blade of Woe. One of them is carried by Astrid, the leader of the Brotherhood. Players normally get the Blade of Woe during the quest, “Death Incarnate.” This version is a bit weaker and absorbs only 10 points of Health from the targets. The second version can be taken from Astrid. Alternatively, players can acquire the more powerful version by using console commands, looking it up, and adding it to their inventory.
4 Most Powerful Dagger But Also Slowest

The Blade of Woe’s power is not limited to just legend and stories. In the base game of Skyrim, it is literally the strongest weapon in the Dagger category. The Blade of Woe has the highest base damage, but if players have the Dawnguard DLC, it will be equivalent to the Dragonbone Dagger. However, it is also the slowest dagger. Its high burst damage makes it favorable to stealthy players, but its DPS in normal combat is inferior to other daggers. Moreover, the Dragonbone Dagger also has a slightly lower weight.
3 Can Be Upgraded Without Any Ingots

To upgrade anything in the Elder Scrolls games, players are required to gather certain materials which are used in the process. Usually, for weapons and armors, ingots made from different metals are required.
While most items can be upgraded in this way, some items cannot, especially those which are unique. Fortunately, players can upgrade the Blade of Woe at any grindstone to make it even more deadly. However, upgrading the Blade of Woe does not require any material whatsoever.
2 Multiple Ways To Acquire It In Skyrim

In Oblivion, players are given an unenchanted Blade of Woe when they are invited to join the Brotherhood. In Skyrim, there are multiple ways to get the dagger, including one which doesn’t require joining the faction.
During the quest, “With Friends Like These,” players can simply kill Astrid and loot the dagger off her body. Alternatively, they can pickpocket her using the Misdirection perk. Otherwise, players can get the dagger as a reward during the Dark Brotherhood quest, “Death Incarnate.” If players pickpocketed Astrid at the Abandoned Shack, then they will be rewarded with a duplicate of the dagger.
1 Unenchanted Blade Can Damage Ghosts In Oblivion

In Oblivion, players get the unenchanted version of the Blade when they join. Other than the name, the dagger appears to be a regular Ebony Dagger. However, the unenchanted version of the blade can still damage Ghosts and Wraiths if players use it to attack them. Regardless of the enchantments, players can still use the dagger as an effective weapon against Ghosts.

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