By now, who hasn’t heard of Valheim? For those not in the know, Valhiem is a unique addition to the survival game genre that combines Viking lore with excellent gameplay. It’s become massively popular as of late and continues to break concurrent player records. Plus, anyone who has logged into Twitch recently knows the game is a bit hard to escape.
In the game, players who reach the Mountain Biome will have the opportunity to fight Moder. This ice dragon can be difficult to defeat for those who come unprepared. Fortunately, we’re here to help players avoid that!
10 How To Summon Moder

To summon Moder, players will need to bring three Dragon Eggs into the mountains. That’s right, three. As each egg ways 200 units, this means that players will need to enlist the help of friends and still might need to make several trips back and forth. Since Eggs can’t be brought through portals, this can result in a lot of work.
9 Have Frost Resistance Mead

By the time players are able to take on Moder, they should already have a fermenter they can use. To make the base for this mead, players will need five Thistle, ten Honey, two Bloodbags, and one Greydwarf Eye.
With the ingredients in place, players should have a Frost Resistance Mead in no time! Since players are already traveling through the cold, it’s best to be sure to make more than what people may think they need. No one wants to be stuck in the cold freezing to death.
8 Eat A Well Balanced Meal

Eating a good meal would make any Viking happy, but it’s downright vital to surviving in a boss fight. Food gives health bonuses to players and meat-based foods are the best option as they provide the largest boosts out of any other food available. Grab some fishing poles and eat some seafood or make some sausages or Turnip Stew to go into battle with a full belly ready for anything.
7 Keep Comfortable

Most survival games allow decorating to be a fun part of making the game aesthetically lovely, but Valheim turns it into a legitimate mechanic. Players have a comfort meter that can be raised by having well-decorated homes and getting plenty of rest. The higher the comfort meter, the longer it takes for players to lose health and stamina. Who knew Vikings could be so fussy?
6 Bring Friends For The Fight

Valheim is far more fun when played with friends, and when taking on Moder, it becomes far easier when it isn’t a single-player experience. The more people firing arrows or stabbing into the massive dragon, the more damage is being dealt per second. It’s simple math! Players with a dedicated server with their friends will find taking down Moder to be a far easier task.
5 Pack Poison Arrows

With Moder spending so much time in the air out of reach, it’s important to make sure players are still dealing damage even when it’s out of reach. While Bows and Arrows, in general, are helpful, Poison Arrows are even more important. Grab some Guck, make some Poison Arrows, and keep the damage dealt high against the massive ice dragon to take it down easier.
4 Make Sure To Have Wolf Armor

It’s hard enough fighting Moder without having to worry about freezing to death. Fortunately, there’s a perfect set of armor that can help players have a better chance: Wolf Armor.
It can take a bit of work to craft Wolf Armor but it’s absolutely worth it. The natural frost resistance it provides also can make the fight against Moder easier and help cut down on how must Frost Resistance Mead is needed to get through the fight.
3 Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, And Dodge Again

“If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a massive ice dragon.” That’s how the quote goes, right? Players with solid reflexes will actually find that it’s not too difficult to dodge most of Moder’s attacks. For being one of the later bosses in the game, it’s almost odd how telegraphed the moves it uses are. Keep on those frozen toes and the fight should be easy.
2 Be Prepared To Move Slowly

The freezing attacks that Moder launches at anyone who challenges it aren’t just going to deal frost damage; they slow players down, too. Once players are hit, it becomes far harder to dodge the incoming ice storm. It’s important to make sure to not get hit in the first place whenever possible, but once Moder manages to bring on the cold, it’s time to rely on teammates if possible to take its attention somewhere.
1 Reap The Rewards

One of the best reasons to take out Moder is because everyone that defeats it will be given a Dragon’s Tear. This item is vital for being able to make Black Metal which unlocks the ability to have some of the best gear available in the entire game. Players are given ten Dragon’s Tears which should be enough to make a full set of armor and weapons if they use it smartly.

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