The Grand Theft Auto franchise is known for consistently delivering excellent gangster dramas. They are not, however, solely grounded experiences in the strict sense. Like life itself, Grand Theft Auto can often be quite weird. These moments of weirdness usually inject some timely humor into the otherwise grim narratives.
Every protagonist, from the 3D Universe onward, has witnessed some pretty strange stuff. A sprawling metropolis like Liberty City or Los Santos is bound to have its fair share of odd individuals. Even the most hardened of criminals can’t help but feel creeped out by some of these truly bizarre situations.
10 Eddie Low Hitches A Ride

Niko Bellic comes across some pretty strange characters in Grand Theft Auto IV. Undoubtedly, the most unhinged of the bunch is Eddie Low. Niko can come across the overly friendly Eddie looking to hitch a ride so that he can dispose of a heavy duffel bag. The contents prove to be quite horrific.
Eddie’s dialogue, performed in a childish, sing-song voice gets progressively creepier by the minute. It becomes apparent that Eddie is, in fact, a serial killer who prowls the streets of Liberty City looking for his next victim. After dropping him off, Niko can actually encounter him a second time, during which Eddie will become hostile. The player needs to put him down for good. Thankfully.
9 Auntie Poulet’s Mind Controlling Tea

Tommy Vercetti deals with a lot of other criminal gangs during his stay in Vice City. He works for many of these organizations at one time or another and always for a price. One gang, the Haitians, is a bit different. Led by the elderly Auntie Poulet, she manipulates Tommy into doing her bidding through an unusual method of coercion.
Auntie Poulet is able to control Tommy’s mind by way of the tea he drinks. It’s the work of some kind of voodoo magic, a concept that is very rarely seen in a Grand Theft Auto game. Tommy dutifully performs what is asked of him and he possesses no recollection of it afterward. Without a doubt, it’s one of the strangest encounters the player can witness in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
8 Smoke At Your Own Risk

Grand Theft Auto V contains various side missions which are given the apt title of “Strangers and Freaks.” One of these individuals can actually be met by all three protagonists. If visiting Legion Square, players may come across Barry, an advocate of marijuana legalization. He allows the protagonists to “test” his own special product.
Unfortunately for Trevor and Michael, the results are not what they anticipate. Michael starts to hallucinate an alien invasion, one that he must fight off with an imaginary minigun. Trevor witnesses a similar illusion, only with clowns instead of aliens. The two experiences offer the player a strange look into both men’s inner psyches.
7 The Naughty Croupier

Planning the heist of a mob-owned casino is no simple matter. Carl Johnson learns that the hard way in the “Key to Her Heart” mission in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. In order to acquire the necessary keycard into the casino, CJ must schmooze one of the croupiers.
It turns out the croupier is into some rather “rough” extracurricular activities. CJ is forced to wear a gimp suit during their “special time” together in order to win her affection. When her relationship with CJ is high enough, she will hand over the keycard. It’s all very time-consuming, not to mention uncomfortably weird.
6 Jeff Harlingford’s Paranoia

When traveling through the Algonquin neighborhood Niko may come across a man named Jeff Harlingford. The foul-mouthed neurotic is convinced his wife is cheating on him and will urge Niko to collect some proof. Jeff’s wife can be followed to a nearby cafe, where she will engage in an innocent conversation with a male friend.
A few days later Jeff will contact Niko with a little problem. It’s revealed that Jeff murdered his wife in a jealous rage and wants Niko to get rid of the evidence. The paranoid maniac can be encountered a final time, where he can be seen spying on his new wife. When Niko refuses to help him, Jeff steps out into traffic and gets hit by a car.
5 The “Sasquatch” Hunter

This is a strange, albeit humorous encounter that can only be seen when the player reaches 100% completion in Grand Theft Auto V. While playing as Franklin the player may come across a semi-crazed hunter searching for the famous sasquatch. The player is sent to look for the mythical beast and can eventually corner him after he’s been wounded.
The sasquatch will launch into a tirade about being the last of his kind. It’s a callback to a similar scene that plays out in Undead Nightmare, a piece of DLC for Red Dead Redemption. The “sasquatch,” however, turns out to be just a weird human in a suit. He will also start barking like a dog at the conclusion of the mission. Pretty weird indeed.
4 Witnessing The Mount Gordo Ghost

This particular occurrence isn’t related to a mission. It actually doubles as a bit of an easter egg for players who manage to find it. Between the hours of 11:00 PM and 12:00 AM a ghostly apparition is visible atop Mount Gordo. She wears a white dress and possesses an eerie, petrified look on her face.
The ghost can only be seen from a distance as getting too close causes her to disappear. There are a couple of different theories regarding the identity of this strange specter. However, many players believe it’s the ghost of Jolene Cranley-Evans, the long-dead wife of Jock Cranley.
3 Marty Chonks & The Dog Food

It’s fair to say that Claude does some pretty despicable things in Grand Theft Auto III. Nevertheless, there are people in Liberty City that are even more cold-blooded than Claude. Marty Chonks, the owner of a popular dog food company, is one such example. He will contact the player through an unmarked payphone outside his factory.
Marty has a series of rather odd requests for Claude. He asks the player to deliver a total of five individuals to him, including his wife and bank manager. Marty kills them and, presumably, grinds them into dog food. It’s a strange series of side missions given by a truly deranged man.
2 The Stalker Tourists

Yet another “Strangers and Freaks” side mission from Grand Theft Auto V, this particular episode involves Trevor and two loony British tourists. Nigel and Mrs. Thornhill’s admiration for the rich and famous of Los Santos goes a little too far, though.
They will ask Trevor to collect various souvenirs from their favorite celebrities. The player can fulfill these tasks (often with the use of violence) for the couple. Eventually, the two elder Brits will force Trevor to actually kidnap a movie star, Al Di Napoli. They even try to keep him captive in the trunk of a car for a few days before giving up.
1 Waking Up On The Railroad Tracks

In addition to the side missions, Grand Theft Auto V also includes a vast collection of random events. The results of these occurrences can be positive, negative, or completely neutral. This particular event is undoubtedly quite negative.
In the outskirts of Blaine County, the player may come across a seemingly abandoned vehicle. When the player goes to investigate the matter, a man will jump out and spring an ambush. The result is that the protagonist will get tasered and lose consciousness. The player character will wake up later, without his clothes, and in the path of an oncoming train. How the protagonist got there, and why, might be a mystery best left unanswered.

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