The Doom series has been a massively popular franchise with fans since the original launched back in 1993. Unsurprisingly, last year’s Doom Eternal has been just as successful as its influential FPS predecessor. Recent figures show that id Software’s latest addition to the franchise has made millions in revenue since being released last March.
As the series continues to wow fans on a global scale, the reported figure shows that Doom Eternal has made more than $450 million according to an ex-id Software employee who worked on the game before leaving in 2020. That’s nearly half a billion dollars, and the game hasn’t even been out for a year yet. Since release, the game has received positive reviews from the industry and fans alike. Even as the franchise approaches three decades of life, it’s impressive to see that new iterations are proving to be just as popular as the ones that spawned during the mid to late 90s.
Eternal follows on from the success of the 2016 reboot of the franchise which was a mega hit and went on to become one of the best-selling games of that year. The 2020 sequel had an equally-strong launch winning some notable awards, including Best PC Game and Best Action Game. It was also nominated for, but didn’t win, Best Score and Music; the game’s soundtrack being arguably one of the most memorable things about it. That and the fast paced action, as well.

As the developer and publisher still reel from the success, there are talks about what awaits the future of Doom. Eternal‘s director, Hugo Martin, has even spoken about his idea for a female Slayer. While the protagonist has always been male, the opportunity to control a female character gunning down hordes of hell beasts could be a welcome change in this modern and progressive era of gaming. While Doom as a series is already hugely successful, the addition of a “Doomgirl” could see it going down a route that will keep it fresh and interesting for years to come.
With a current revenue of just under half a billion dollars, Doom Eternal is showing that this classic series is not going to be slowing down any time soon. As the money just keeps pouring in and more and more players take on the role of “Doomguy,” it will be exciting to see what new things will come next, such as the Ancient Gods DLC which is due out soon.
Doom Eternal is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, Stadia, Switch, and Xbox One with PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S versions in development.
Source: PC GamesN

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